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A new angel is sent to monitor the humans and report back to Heaven, as they no longer trusts Aziraphale to be honest, only work for Heaven, and also because they no longer consider him to be "one of them." Though he will always technically be an angel, unless he is destroyed. Nevertheless, this new angel is sent to Earth. She is chosen for this role as she has done everything she can up in Heaven to be liked and trusted, it being her only goal nearly since the beginning of time, completely thriving off of the praise of others.

The very first thing she does once on earth is visit the north and south of every continent, studying humans, desparate to know what she would need to do to be liked by them, too. She spent seven months studying The Americas and Africa, then made her way to Europe. It was difficult fitting in with humans, especially once trying to do so in this newage, not having been able to see the world advance nor grow, not being able to relate to humans on a level of nostalgia nor memories--which are obviously so important to them she can see, as they hang up photos, store them in places to reserve their quality, and souvenir shops are more popular now than ever.

However, having traveled nearly half the world now, she's finally become very convincing, and plays the part extremely well as it is step one to being liked by humans. But then comes a day--only a moment though, really--where after over half a year, she manages to slip up. And that's because she had felt the most love in a person she ever has before, and it was to an extent that it throws her off enough to even reveal her identity. She had tripped over these stupid human heels that make her feet hurt (she has to keep miracling them better every night!), and a helping hand quickly found her.

An older gentleman helps her up, mumbling something about "Oh dear, are you alright?" However, she is far too overwhelmed to respond appropriately, and even momentarily forgets this role she must play. Of course she could already sense the love radiating off of each passing person--if there was any to sense--as it is in her being as an angel to do exactly that, but to physically touch this hand was just too much. One thought comes to her head, and before she can stop herself, "You are so loved!" she exclaims to him, almost angrily. Just the touch from his hand nearly made her dizzy! How could a mortal have been loved to an extent like that, in such a short life-time? She couldn't understand, and couldn't even find the composure in time to thank him nor see the look of shock on his face before storming off, becoming more and more jealous by the second.

Since the beginning of time she's been doing everything she could to make the other angels--beings of love!--like her, trust her, appreciate her, and though they always did all three, it still somehow always felt cold. Never like love. Because Heaven was really just a checklist. An all white, hard, and sharp checklist that angels needed to follow to ever recieve the praise she constantly yearned for.

Meanwhile, Aziraphale is standing on a busy street corner, gears turning in his head about why there is another Angel--and one that has been there long enough to mostly blend in--on Earth. Once the gears stopped turning and he realizes he's been replaced, question marks spring up in his brain. Loved? He asks himself. And to that extent? Loved so much that it would throw off an angel in disguise? It can't be.

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