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Dear Diary,

            She's gone. And it's all my fault. Let me start at the beginning... Last night was crazy. It all started at eleven o'clock when I was on my way to bed. The doorbell rang so I decided to open it, I was met with a tall man who was wearing all black.

             "Is Helen Corb home?" the man asks.

             "Yes" I reply. "And you are?"

            "Can you get her for me?" he replies completely ignoring my question.

            "Sure, come in" I say, trying to sound polite. He follows me into the formal living room. I motion for him to sit done and he complies. I head to my parent's bedroom to get them. I walk at a fast pace, so I don't leave the stranger alone for too long. I knock on my parent's door and they answer almost immediately.

            "Didn't we say it was bedtime?" my mother says with a smile.

            "There is a man asking for you in the formal living room" I respond. My mom just nods her head and follows me towards the living room. As we approach the living room, the man is nowhere to be seen. As my parents and I finish the walk to the living room, the man popped out and pointed a gun at my mom, everyone froze in their places. I looked between the man and my parents. My dad wore a horrified expression, and my mom was surprisingly calm.

            "I have orders to kill one of you" the man says, as he points the gun at me for a second then back at my mom.

            "Don't touch our daughter" my mom says with a sense of confidence, even though I could see her shaking slightly.

            "Who are you?" I ask with my voice barely above a whisper.

            He ignores me and takes a step towards my mom. My dad starts to move towards her as well, but my mom puts her hand out and stops my dad from moving any further. The man grabs my mom and puts the gun right up to her head. He grabs her arm and starts pulling her to the door.

            "What are you doing?" my dad asked frightened. The man kept pushing my mom to the door.

            "If you call the police, she dies" he says and shoves her out the door. My dad stays still as the man walks out the door and forces my mom into a vehicle. As the car drives away, my dad reaches for his pocket and gets his phone out.

            "Wait, what are you doing? He said he'd kill mom if you called the police." I say frightened for my mom's life.

            "We have to tell the police, or she'll be dead anyway" he replies as he dials 911.

            "How are you not freaking out?" I ask dad bewildered after he hangs up with the police.

            "When the police come, they will find her" my dad states.

"Go get Ariana now" my dad says

I immediately go to Ari's room and knock on her door. I don't bother waiting for a response and just opened the door. She was laying on her bed reading a book in her pajamas.

            "Hey Wynter, what's up?" Ari asks.

            "Ari, my mom was kidnapped, we need to go downstairs now." I say hysterically. Ari rushes out of her bed and follows me down the stairs.

The police arrive within minutes and everyone is in the living room.

            "Ma'am, can you please explain what happened?" the police officer asks me.

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