Chapter Fifteen

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"Wynter... Wynter... wake up" I hear a voice say. "Wake up Wynter" Cade says as he shake me awake.

"What?" I murmur as I stir around and slowly wake up.

"You had a bad dream" he states as he sits beside me on his bed. Right, I forgot I fell asleep in his room while watching the movie.

"Uck, what time is it?" I ask, trying to look around.

"2:00 A.M." I hear Cade answer sleepily beside me. "Oops" I say before laying back down, feeling embarrassed that I woke him up..

"It's fine" Cade responds. "Are you going to go back to sleep?" he questions from beside me.

"Yes" I say, determined to fall back asleep so I don't bother him.

"OK, do you need anything?" he asks.

"I'm good thanks" I respond. Cade leans over the nightstand and shuts the lamp off. The room turns pitch black and I'm met with silence. I toss and turn on my side of the bed for several minutes before I hear the snores of Cade next to me. I lay still for another ten minutes before giving up on going to sleep. I quietly get off the big bed and go to Cade's side in search of the remote for his TV. I open the first drawer and instantly see it laying there. I shut the drawer and go back over to my side of the bed before turning the TV on. I open Netflix and scroll through the shows until I finally decide on Gilmore Girls, one of my favorite shows. Speaking of which, I need to ask Cade for the Netflix password for my phone. I push play and get comfortable as the first episode starts. I watch the first few episodes, having to push Cade away from my side of the bed several times. At 4:00 A.M. I decide I want to have popcorn. So I pause my episode and start the journey to the kitchen. Once there, I look through the cabinets until I find a bag of microwave popcorn.
"What are you doing?" I hear a voice ask behind me.
"Oops" I say turning around and facing Cade. "Did I wake you up?"
"I was just wondering where you went. I thought you were going to sleep" he says.
"Oh, I couldn't fall asleep so now I'm making popcorn" I answer as I put the bag in the microwave and watch it slowly start to pop.
"I'm going back to bed" Cade groans as he exits the kitchen. Once the popcorn is done popping I remove it from the microwave and go to the fridge looking for a drink. I find a can of Coke that I take along with my popcorn. I make my way back to the bed to find Cade asleep once again. I set my popcorn and coke on the bed before getting under the soft covers. I resume my show and happily eat the popcorn. At 6:30 I realize I should probably start my school for the day. I go to my room and get my laptop and phone before going to Ari's room.
"Ari wake up" I say while shaking her slightly.
"I'm up, I'm up, I'm up" she says as she slowly sits up. "What do you need this early?"
"Let's work on our school so we can finish faster" I suggest.
"Wait, do you want to work in school all day today so we can finish sooner" she asks.
"Sure, we don't have anything better to do" I add.
"Ok, I'll meet you at the table in ten minutes."
"No, lets just work on Cade's bed. It's big and all of my stuff is set up in there. Plus if we work all day, we might as well be comfortable" I tell her. Every few months me and Ari do this, so we can get ahead in school. This way, we get more days off.
"Ok, I'll get my laptop and meet you in there" Ari says, slowly getting up from the bed. I exit her room and go back to my normal spot on the bed. I open my laptop and pull up my school. We only have four more days' worth of schoolwork, so we could probably finish it within eight hours. I push play on Gilmore Girls so I can listen to it while I do my school. I hear the door cream open and I see Ari open in the room.
"Wow this room is huge" she whispers when she reaches me.
"I know right and isn't this bed huge" I say patting the bed for her to sit by me. As she sits on the bed, I get the empty bag of popcorn and my coke to move. I reach over Cade and set the things there, before returning to where Ari is now sitting. Since the bed is so big, the three of us easily fit.
We like to do our school together since we share almost all of the same classes. We work on school with Gilmore Girls playing in the background for about an hour before Cade finally wakes up.
"What are you guys doing?" Cade asks while sitting up.
"Working on school" I answer in a 'duh' tone.
"I see that, but why in here?" He asks with an amused look on his face.
"We wanted to be comfortable and watch Netflix while doing school. Oh yeah, can you put in the Netflix information?" I ask pulling up Netflix and handing him my phone. He quickly types the information in and hands me back my phone. I say a small 'thanks' as I set my phone back down.
"Well I'm going to get ready for the day" Cade states as he gets out of bed and walks in the direction of the bathroom.
"He has such a nice room" Ari repeats, looking around.
"I know I'm so jealous" I say standing from the bed.
"Well, your room is similar" Ari points out.
"Yeah, his is just bigger. Except for that room," I reply, pointing at the door that is locked.
"What is it?" Ari asks.
"It's the one he said to go to in case of an emergency," I state.
"Oh yeah," Ari says, remembering.
"Anyway, lets get back to school work" I finish. After five minutes of working the bathroom door opens and Cade walks out in his towel.
"Why are you guys still in here? I gave you the Netflix information" he says while walking towards the closet door.
"True, but we're comfortable here" I reply with a smile.
"Whatever" he answers before shutting the closet door behind him. He walks out a minute later full dressed in his usual all black outfit. "Do you guys want anything for breakfast?" Cade asks, walking towards the door.
"Can you get us Dunkin' Donuts? Please" I ask, dragging the 'e' in please.
"I meant from the kitchen" Cade responds.
"But will you get it for us? It sounds so good. I would go but I have school to do" I answer.
"Fine, I'll take one of the boys. Text me what you guys want" Cade says, giving in.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I repeat as I jump up and give home a quick hug before he exits the room. I send our orders to Cade, before we return to our schoolwork.
"Let's try to finish by two. That way we will still have time to go to the mall and shop for Christmas presents" I suggest to Ari who nods her head in agreement. We continue to work silently for an hour before someone knocks on the door.
"Cade is back with the food" I hear Ryder say from the other side of the door.
"Thanks, we're coming" I yell. We stop with our school and go down to meet the boys in the kitchen. Carter is at the table in his laptop, working on school I'm assuming. Ryder, Cade, and James are the only other boys down here.
"Where's everyone else?" I ask. "Sleeping still" Carter replies as he gets up from the table and picks up a donut.
"Thanks for breakfast Cade" I say.
"You're welcome" he says while handing me my drink and donut. I take it and sit down at the table, with the boys following soon after.
"We can go to the mall after we finish school, right?" I ask.
"Why do you need to go again?" He asks.
"Many reasons. We need to get Christmas gifts, me and Ari need more clothes for while we're here, and we need to celebrate us finishing school" I respond.

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