Hungary reached over and slapped Gilbert's arm. But Prussia didn't care. He ruffled his brother's hair somemore. 

And then, Germany started to walk to the stage, where his boss was waiting and other country leaders were, as his family walked to the front row of seats.

It just wasn't real. You mean to tell him that they were finally here? After so long and such hardships?

He would pinch himself, but that wouldn't look professional.

Later, he would do that later.

Ludwig smiled at the countries in the audience. He hadn't been forgiven by many, but he understood and that was okay. But even with that, many of them were getting along with him and he was so thankful for that.

France was clapping for him, England and him made eye contact and the British man actually gave a smile and a nod of respect, India gave him a nod, Monaco, was clapping along with Belgium (Who Liechtenstein did make up with), Philippines looked happy next to Singapore who just politely nodded. 

He was starting to be seen for his present self not his past mistakes anymore.

"YEAH GERMANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" America yelled.

He looked at said country and saluted him, he would always be thankful for what the nation and his extremely large family had done for him. They truly were good people and he would always remember his experience with them.

Ludwig stepped forward to his boss, he was more than ready for this. His leader stepped up to the podium and everyone quieted down.

"We would like to call up Gilbert."

Germany's family and basically everyone looked confused but Prussia got up anyway and went up to the stage. 

The leader turned to Prussia, "Your brother came to me with a request that I will certainly say, I was not expecting. But seeing how much it meant to him, I didn't know how I could say no." The man smiled, "Gilbert Beilschmidt, while you are still known and will always be known as The Kingdom of Prussia, would you accept the offer of becoming the personification of East Germany?" 

The leader motioned to the stage where there a paper for Prussia to sign.

Gilbert looked shocked at this. He stared at his brother with wide eyes. 

Their family looked shocked at this, many countries and leaders were not expecting this. 

"Sign it!!!" Hungary yelled. She had hated preparing her mind for Gilbert's death, he wasn't suppose to die, not yet. Not after everything they been through. And now Germany was literally saving his brother?

He damn well better sign it. Or she would forge his signature herself.

Next to her, Liechtenstein squeezed her mother's hand tightly.... she had tears in her eyes. Prussia better sign it, he needed to. Nobody in their family was prepared for losing him.

Prussia came out of his shock and smiled. He wiped his own tears and took the pen so fast, neatly putting his signature down. Germany did the same.

And with Gilbert's unpredictable self, he through his arms around Germany and his brother's- no-, their boss and laughed out loud. "The Awesome Me is sticking around!!!!!!"

And the room exploded in applause. 

"Let us welcome the new reunited country of Germany!!!" America boss stood up. Prussia took Germany's hand and held their hands up together to represent unity.

And the cheers kept coming.

Germany looked at Prussia. "I couldn't let the Awesome Gilbert go like that." He had just lost his brother during the Cold War, that was not about to happen again. Only this time with death.

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