Making Up

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He stared around the hotel room and then at the phone. 

Why was this so hard?

Come on!! What are waiting for? You were a fucking military commander and you're afraid of simply picking up the phone?

You can do this.

Germany lifted his hand towards the phone but very quickly, put it back down.

Maybe they wouldn't want to hear from him.

After all he did.

He sighed, maybe this wasn't the best thing. Maybe talking to them would only cause more harm than good.

"Why do you doubt it?" A voice suddenly asked.

And Germany looked up to see that guy- who could possibly be his father- again.

"Who are you?" He asked, taking a defensive position. 

The man sat on the bed, "I'm not going to hurt you-"

Germany inched away, "Who are you?"

The man only gave him a smile, "Germania."

Germany looked confused, "Germania-"

"Your father."


Italy paced in front of England and France's hotel room. 

He had been doing this for 30 minutes. He was so nervous...

"Um.... Italy?" A voice asked.

He turned and saw Monaco. "Oh, hi Monaco!!" He shyly waved.

"Hi," She looked at him confused, "Are you okay? You're pacing in front of my parents' room. Are you waiting for one of them?"

"Um.... yes... no... I. don't know."

"Mon!!" A voice called out, "Who are you talking to-" Kenya walked over to her sister and Italy. "Hey Italy!! What are you doing?"

"Um...." He really didn't know what to say, "I want to talk to France... But I don't know how..."

"Oh...." Both girls said..... They knew what he meant.

What could they do to-

Kenya suddenly ran up, knocked on the door, ran back and grabbed Monaco's hand and ran down the hallway as fast as she could.

Which was very, very fast.

Italy started to panic. No, no, no.... He needed to go before someone came.

But for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to move. 

The door opened and his stomach dropped.

"Feliciano," A voice said, "Good evening, is there something you need?" 

He took a huge breath of relief, it was just England. 

"Um... England.... Buonasera," (Good evening) He said still a bit nervous, "I'm sorry for bothering you. I'll just go now," He turned to leave.

"Wait," Arthur called, "Was there something you needed? Did you needed to talk to France?"

Italy froze at the mention of his oldest brother.

And England knew what he had to do.

"Stay here," He said softly, "I'll go get him," He disappeared inside the room.

Italy knew he could just disobey and run. But he didn't.... For some reason... He didn't.

Footsteps were all of a sudden heard.

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