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"So you're going to be a total rebel and completely ignore what Austria said and make contact with Lily?" Maria asked as her and America just stared at Germany.

"Ummm... ja," He answered. Was something wrong with that?

She smiled and clapped her hands, "I'm so proud!!!" Alfred was nodding his head in approval.

He had younger sisters too, and there was no way he would ever be able to not be there for them. 

"What does the letter say?" She asked. 

Germany slightly smiled, "I told her that I'm so sorry for the estrangement and how I wish it hadn't happened-"

"I'll stop you there Lud," America spoke, holding his hand up, "I'm pretty sure that you all feel that way. Heck, even I feel that way about your family. I wish there hadn't been an estrangement at all. So I'm pretty sure Liechtenstein knows all that." He softly smiled, "Now wth all that gone, what did you really say?"

Germany looked shocked at America before he nodded, "I- I said that I really miss her and all of them. I said that that I wanted to see her again but I was scared of making another mistake and pulling them all down with me. I told her how, I didn't trust myself but I'm getting better everyday," He nodded and wiped the tears, "I apologized for not being there for her birthdays in the past and for ignoring all her letters and attempts at contact... I said that no matter what, she was still my kleine Schwester (Little sister) and I loved her and wanted to make this right."

The North Americans stared at him, which slightly scared him. Had he said something wrong? 

They then smiled. 

"That's perfecto," Maria smiled. America nodded.

"Guys," Canada called walking to them, "We have to get going soon." They had to head to the airport.

Germany nodded and took a breath. They started walking together, "I just hope Austria doesn't find out. If he does...  I just hope Lily doesn't get in trouble, I'll take all responsibility."

America put a hand on his shoulder, "This is going to be a major secret between you two. I have a feeling won't find out."

Maria winked at him, "And we'll help you with that."

Ludwig stopped, "Really?" He asked, shocked.

They laughed, "Dude," America smiled, "You've seen all the siblings we have. How could you we not help you? Estrangement is just terrible."

"T-thank you," He smiled. He was getting help..... Italy and Japan were two people and now two more would help.... This was just great.

"People," Canada called, "We have to MOVE. Let's go!!"

They jogged to catch up with Diego and Canada. Their cousins had already left. 

"Oh and by the way Mattie, D," Alfred said, "We're gonna be helping Germany out with something.

"Okay," The two just shrugged.

Well, that made another two. 6 people wanted to help him now.


Timeskip (2 days later)


Italy knocked on door of the home, he knew the Germanic family had shared during the wars. He had been here during the two wars and it now amazed him how grey everything looked now. 

Just so depressing. 

It wasn't actually grey but something just felt so depressing here.

Switzerland opened it and looked at him. He eyed Italy, he was pretty use to shooting at him through a window. "Italy... Hallo... What do you want?"

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