Starting Over

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 It's now March of 1946

There is a lesson in almost everything you do, and getting the lesson is how you move forward. It is how you enrich your spirit.


Russia was right.

He did it, they actually did it. 

He actually cut off all outside contact of the other nations in the Soviet Union. 

The Iron Curtain is what Winston Churchill was calling it. 

Germany sighed as he thought about it, it had and at the same time hadn't surprised everyone. 

The Iron Curtain actually physically separated countries in the Soviet Union from the rest of Europe. They had no outside contact.

His brother, Hungary..... He hoped they were okay. 

Man he missed them.

He had been allowed to spend Christmas with his siblings in Europe, but the four of them had just been so down. There was like no Christmas cheer.

Tensions between America and the USSR had been growing since last year too. Alfred even told him that he was pretty sure his country would start testing missiles soon.

Was this all because of the war he pulled the world in?

Germany sighed. The world was way to complex for world peace to ever be achieved.

"What's wrong Germany?" He heard Hawaii ask.

He had also gotten to know the states, provinces, territories, and cities of North and South America better. The Mexican ones still really weren't his biggest fans but they were at least a bit nicer to him.

He knew Hawaii had been bombed by Japan but never brought it up with her or Alfred. He felt partly responsible for it.

"The world will never be at peace." He simply told her.

"Are you thinking about the....." She trailed off, knowing WWII was a sensitive topic. 

"If I didn't start that war, none of this would be happening," He shook his head. 

The two were sitting at a large table in the kitchen.

Hawaii frowned, she hated seeing him so sad. "Germany, I know you're really..... you feel really bad about what happened. But have you ever thought that by thinking about what you did, you're only erasing what you could do? You're sitting around feeling bad for yourself, but I'm sure there's something you can do to help those you affected and to make others see your not a bad guy."

He stared at her, she was right.

What Italy had said to him a few months ago at the meeting.... It was always on his mind. He had thought something similar to what Hawaii said but completely let it go. He thought it was dumb.

But she was telling him the same thing. Maybe it was worth a try.

He nodded at her, "You're right."

He felt guilty as he thought Italy and Japan. The two had tried reaching out to him many times. Italy even sent him gifts for Christmas. But he didn't talk to them, he just felt so bad for bringing them into the war.

The three of them were like brothers. How could he have done that- He was gonna make things right.

Hawaii smiled, "What do you think you should do?"

He started to think, "I don't really know. It's going to be very hard for others to start trusting me again."

"Don't worry," They heard Michigan's voice say, "We'll help!!"

He turned to the opening that connected the kitchen and hallway. "Really?"

"Of course," New Hampshire said stepping up.

"Aren't you all mad about what happened between me and Mexico during the war?" He asked.

"We would be if they joined you, but thankfully they didn't," Los Angles answered. 

"How many of you are here?" He asked.

"All of us!!" They all chorused and that's when everyone entered the kitchen. 

"Okay people!!" Virigina took charge, he was standing up on a chair, "Operation get Germany a fresh start is a go!!!"

Florida ran up to Germany, "Okay, what happened in the past is the past but we can still change the future. The past was the old you. But now, we're making the new you. We need to show that your making a change but how?"

"What if he wears bright colors?" Seattle asked, "They pull attention and they mean positive things. Plus they can show he's having a new fresh start."

"Yes!!! Someone write that down!!" Virginia said.

"On it!!!" Louisiana said.

"What else should he do?" Alaska asked.

Germany started to think. What else should he do? Well, there were a lot of nations who weren't really happy with him.... Maybe he could help them out.

"Maybe I could help the nations I affected during the war. Maybe just simple jobs like helping them around the house or buying groceries." 

"That's good," Dallas nodded.

"Wait," Chicago said, "Don't you bake? You can bake for them too."

"Add that to the list!!" 

"Got it!!"

"Let's make this work guys!!!" Texas yelled as he shot out blanks in celebration.


America smiled as he watched them from the hallway. He knew for a fact that Germany wasn't bad at heart. But it now seemed like he was starting to realize it.

He knew that Germany had been holding himself back by going over the war all the time. But now he was finally doing something about it.

Instead of going over the past, he was finally doing something to make a difference in the future.

He was starting over.


I'm not sure if Unraveling will be updated later. There may be another update here or not later though. 

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