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"You said this would be quick," Florida glared at Texas as they wandered through a store. "We've been looking for the 'perfect boot shiner' for 20 minutes."

"Sometimes life goes differently," He countered. "Only the best will do."

She rolled her eyes and turned to Germany. "So Jeremy, what are you planning on baking tonight?" 

Germany rolled his eyes, the U.S. kids decided to give him the nickname Jeremy since it kinda sounded similar to Germany. When Alfred learned of it, he broke down laughing.

But overall, he didn't have a problem with it. These guys had kinda grown on him, they were sort of like younger siblings to him.

"Maybe some Rote Grutze," He thought. He baked almost every dinner since they always begged him to do it. Apparently, as Annapolis said.... his cooking was "to die for". 

He slightly smiled, he remembered showing Liechtenstein how to make different recipes during the war.. They always had so much fun with it. 

Well, at least as much fun you could have during a war killing millions.

He and the older members of his family always tried their best to live as normally as possible around Lily, only talking about the war when Liechtenstein was sleeping. They didn't want her thinking about the war, worrying about it.

But she was a smart girl, they all knew it. She wasn't naive. She would ask questions, would observe, would constantly look outside.

They even lived in a house with the freaking prisoners of war. 

It was hard to keep her from it.

He sighed sadly as he thought about the past.... well, the only thing he could do was move forward and make sure that it never happened again.

Washington's voice took him out of his thoughts, "You know, I'm still waiting for you to one day say that you're making apple pie," She spoke and he jumped.

When had she joined them.

He smiled at her, "The next thing I bake will be that," Her eyes brightened with excitement.

Just like Lily's would do...

He sighed, he missed his family so much.

"I found peaches!!" A cheerful Georgia ran to them with Maine, who was reading a book, following. She put the bag in the cart.

Germany eyes the cart that was getting larger and larger by the second, "We'll never get out of here if you all keep placing new things in."

"Oh relax Jeremy," New Orleans helped Louisiana place the ingredients for lasagna in the cart, "We'll be out soon, we just like being very thorough in our shopping trips."

"I can see that." For some reason, it was randomly decided today to head to the store to pick up somethings that was wanted by the states and cities, so he and some of them came to the store. But one look at the cart would tell you that they weren't leaving anytime soon. "Okay," He said firmly and all the states and New Orleans suddenly stood straight and almost saluted. 

"You all are to hurry up with your shopping if we're ever going to get out of here. From this point on nobody is to add anything else to this cart and tell it to the rest of your siblings here as well," He looked at Texas, "Hurry with your boot polish."

"Sir yes sir!!"

"Wait!!" Washington quickly said, "Can I please get some clams for seafood!?! Seattle really wanted me to get some!!"

He truly did have a soft side for them.

He gave a gentle nod, "Ja. But that is all."

She smiled, "Yes sir!!" She saluted as she grabbed Louisiana and New Orleans and ran off.

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