Are You Sure?

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What was he doing?

Could someone please explain because, you know. Many people didn't talk to Belarus.

So why was he?

Oh right, that's why........ 

Germany walked into the UN with North America. 

Nobody really stared at him though, since the end of the war, he had been active in trying to clean his reputation. So he had talked with many of the nations here. 

But someone was looking at him and he felt to ashamed to make eye contact with that person.

Anger was also felt though, it really wasn't fair. The country of Hungary had joined the  UN in 1955.

And yet she wasn't here.

Unlike Belarus and Ukraine, but hey. They were Russia's sisters. So that was most likely why they had the permission to be here.

As he sat down, he noticed Japan there too. He had joined in 1956.

Japan looked at Germany and gave him a nod.

And for some reason, Ludwig felt terrible... The way he had denied Japan and Italy being like brothers towards him...

The way he had denied his own blood...

"Why are you even here, Germany?" Belarus sneered, "They're letting you infiltrate the UN now?"

"Belarus!!" Ukraine squeaked out in surprise.

He opened his mouth to speak but Maria beat him to it.

"I could say the same to you bitch. Can't believe they let a damn commie infiltrate United Nations. Turn the fuck around princess," The girl simply said. She gave Belarus a look, daring her to reply. 

Nations just watched.

Belarus shut her mouth as Diego and Alfred high fived their baby sister.

America was so proud.

Germany nodded a thanks to Maria and glared at Belarus a bit. He turned back to the host, South Africa.

As the meeting got started, Germany couldn't help but zone out. He had only come to this meeting to see someone...... But as he looked at that person.... He couldn't help but feel so guilty.

Would he even talk to him?

As he looked around the meeting room, he noticed Japan was actually sitting to North Italy. He didn't even notice the Italian. 

Said country turned his head and the two made eye contact. 

Germany once again felt extremely guilty...... Italy acted completely different around him after he told him that he and his Japan weren't his family. It wasn't like he had started to ignore him.

It just was..... he wasn't as cheery and touchy as before..... around him. Japan, who was always good at keeping distance, seemed a bit different too. He seemed more formal with him

And... it just felt so strange. He didn't like it.. He wanted Italy back, he wanted Japan back.

His friends back..

His brothers....

Before he knew what he was doing, Germany stood up and all eyes were on him. 

"Italy, Japan," He said, looking straight at him, "Can I please talk to you two outside?"

The two looked at each other but looked back to him and nodded. They got up and started to walk out the room.

"What if they start another World War!?!" A voice asked, "Someone watch them!!"

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