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It's early 1974 now. We might stay in this year for just this chap or this and the next. Then it might be a skip too 1980.


Estonia realized something.

Something really really weird.

Latvia was hanging out around Hungary and Prussia a lot.

It had been happening for awhile now. He knew Lithuania saw it too.

What was happening?

It wasn't like they were angry or anything at him, it was just curiosity.  Their brother wasn't really one to hang out with older nations like that.

He would sometimes hear his voice coming from the two older nations' room, talking about random things or them telling him about their battles or something. And even though it was, like he said before random things, Latvia sounded happy and interested.

Right now, Latvia was talking to Hungary as they cleaned the kitchen. Both with smiles on their faces.

It sort of looked like a mother and son type of thing.

Huh. Interesting.

Well, at least his brother found happiness in such a terrible place of a home.

When would they be free?

Estonia sighed and shook his head. Just a little while longer..... He didn't know when this would end but it would eventually.....

Hopefully that was very soon.

He walked past the kitchen, heading to his room but stopped when he was called.

"Estonia?" Russia's commanding voice asked.

He turned, "Yes?"

"What are they laughing about?" Russia asked with a certain tone in his voice.

Estonia looked at him confused, why did he care? "I don't know."

Russia growled, "You were in the kitchen."

"They're speaking very low." He countered.

Russia walked off. He didn't like this. He had tried making a family but everyone but his sisters weren't okay around him.

So now, they could make a family... so... so easily?

He clenched his fists. Well, that wasn't fair.

It just wasn't.

And Ukraine was started to seem a bit unsure around him since not all her people were that happy with the USSR.

He shook his head.

But now their countries were working together on something. Something big.


A nuclear plant built in 1970. It was beautiful.

But his sister for some reason was very nervous about it. She said she was having bad feelings and dreams about it.

It was just the stress of dealing with western democracies. Speaking of which, a lot weren't happy about him invading Afghanistan.

Oh well.

Russia got to the kitchen and saw Hungary and Latvia still smiling and talking.

They actually were talking very low.

He couldn't help but feel so so.... He wanted a family....... but one of his sisters had an obsession with trying to marry him and the other was seeming very unsure around him.

Starting NewOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora