No Tears Left To Cry

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Once again.

Liechtenstein couldn't believe this.

She was talking to Germany. Her bruder.... the one who had disowned them.

She felt tears well up. She had missed him so much.

"Bruder," She choked out.

It was quiet on the other end before Germany started to speak again. "I'm so sorry."

He sounded so sincere.

"I was such a dum-"

"I forgive you!!" She suddenly blurted out.

Shocking Germnay on the other end.


"I always wanted you to come back," She whispered. She had never hated her brother for what he did.

She was hurt of course but never hated him.

The girl had waited for him, she had missed her brother so much. And faith that he would one day come back to them kept her strong.

And she knew her other brother missed Germnay no matter what they said.

To them, Germany had turned against the family. And after 2 months, they started to act like they didn't miss him.

The topic of their brother was pretty sensitive.

"I'm so sorry," Germany said again.

She only nodded, "I know you are. I miss you.. Come back..." She started to whisper, "Come home."


"Liechtenstein," A voice suddenly called, "Who are you talking to?"

She looked up at Austria snd smiled brightly at him.

He had gotten home awhile ago.

"Luddy," She smiled softly.

The curious look in Austria's eyes became pained and he stepped forward and took the phone from her.

"Germany," He tried saying firmly, "Don't call unless you are sure you won't turn on us again."

Liechtenstein stood up from the table. "What!?!"

"Roderich....." Ludwig said from the other end...... "I...."

"You what?"

He was slient and Austria closed his eyes and let out a shaky breath.

"Bruder!!" Liechtenstein said still shocked, She reached for the phone but Austria just walked out the room.

"I will not have you hurt us..." He said painfully, "I will not let you hurt her again..."

He wouldn't see Lily cry again.

God. It hurt so much.

"I....." He didn't know what to say..... he didn't want to hurt his family again.... But his brother didn't trust him.

Could he trust himself?

He hurt his baby sister.

"Your answer?" Austria asked. He swallowed hard and waited.

Germany was slient..... He didn't know what to say.

Austria just nodded and hung up.

It was so painful.

He didn't want to be the bad guy here. He really didn't. But..... he had to be sure.... for his family.

"You hung up?" He heard his sister ask.

No eye contact was made for awhile before he looked her straight in the eye.

A nod.

Liechtenstein gave him a desperate look, "He's family."

"I won't have him hurt us... you... again. I needed to know for sure. I don't want you making any contact until we know."

"But....." She sighed..... it was true. He did hurt them but... "He said he was sorry.."

Austria looked slightly surprised before shaking his head, "Did he mean it..?"

"I know he did."

He sighed, "Lily, we have to be-"

"Family hurts each other," She whispered, "But in the end we're supposed to come together." She shook her head and ran up the stairs.

Austria watched her go and then leaned against the wall. This wasn't easy, but he was the oldest while Prussia was gone...

For who knows how long.

Too much had been taken away from them..... Too much tears had been shed.

It was up to him to protect them. He wouldn't allow anymore tears to fall.


He really thought they all had no more tears left to cry.

"Germany?" Switzerland's voice was heard.

He looked up and saw his brother looking down at him from the stairs.

He simply nodded.

Switzerland got a tense look on his face. "You did you had to." He walked down the stairs and to the kitchen. Austria followed and head his brother whisper.

"I'll be damned if I see another tear fall from her."

The two of them had no tears left to cry.

But Liechtenstein did.

And they would be damned if he let them fall.


Germany was still staring at the phone that he had been hung up on.

He simply put it back in it's place. Turned off the lamp and laid down in bed, he pulled the cover over him.

And sniffled.

He had tears left to cry.



So I'm gonna try and get Unraveling updated today. And thanks for the support on 'Never Should Have Let You Go' to everyone who reads it!!

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