Chapter 15: Thoughts

Start from the beginning

And to add insult to injury, I had discovered the deceased bodies of my family members. I had wept for them, but mainly I had sobbed for Y/N.

She had been beautiful. She had been kind, funny and sweet. She had been the most perfect girl in the world.

But I had left her. It was my fault and now I was stuck in this wasteland and I would most likely never see her again.

I had loved her. I didn't realise how much until I left her. But I didn't know how to express myself. And I was nervous that she wouldn't want a tainted boy like me.

She probably hates me now. And for good

Now, all I can do is try to survive and do whatever it takes to get back home. I also have to sort out my feelings for Y/N.

Now that I'm away from her, will absence make the heart grow fonder or will she be out of sight, out of mind?

• ♤ • ♤ • ♤ •

Who am I? Someone that's afraid to let go. I'm scared. Scared of forgetting Five, the moments we spent together, and who he used to be.

I've been sitting in my room without going out for a week. I haven't even nibbled on the food Mom lovingly places outside the door.

Surprisingly, I don't feel hungry. I just feel numb. It's like a great gaping void has opened up inside me and gobbled up all my emotions.

I miss Five so much it hurts. I don't even know why I miss him when he chose to leave me.

I miss his warm green eyes, his sudden spacial jumps to try and scare me, the way he laughed, the way he did everything, basically.

I've been wondering if there's something wrong with me. Everyone in my life has either hated me at one point or simply walked out.

I'm jerked out of my thoughts by the sound of whispering through the keyhole. It sounds like Vanya's voice "Y/N, I'm here for you. We love you and miss you."

I burst into tears at her kindness and although I try to smother my sobs, they're still pretty audible. In that moment of sadness, I reached a sudden point of clarity.

What am I doing, wasting my time here in this silly room? I don't have to care about a boy who probably never liked me. I love me, and that's what's important.

A tiny voice in my head murmurs that I still love Five, deep down. But I quench it mercilessly, and lock it away in a corner of my heart.

I sit at the dresser, and pull out a tube of black eyeliner. It's a souvenir of one of our more recent midnight escapades. Carefully, I stare at the mirror and outline my eyes.

Once satisfied, I inhale a calm breath

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Once satisfied, I inhale a calm breath. I am my own person, and I don't need a useless boy to complete me.

Reminding myself that one final time, I unlock the door and step into the corridor.

A/N hi y'all! 👋 so many things have been happening lmao idk what to start with 😥 first off, thank you so much for over 9k reads!!! I can't believe more than 9000 people have read this book; the number is flipping unbelievable! Thank you all so much❤💛💚💙💜💖💞 next, I wanna mention that a lot of people have been commenting "omg they're 8", "why are they doing this they're so young", etc. idk if I have said this before and I'm sorry if I haven't; but I never made the characters do anything too inappropriate, the book will edited upon completion, and they have an 👏OLDER 👏MENTALITY 👏. also, I'm super thankful for all of your hilarious and sweet comments 💕💝 next up, i have apparently made a random instagram account just to post random pics and quotes. go follow it @seaside_styles. 😂sorry for the self promo oof. now,

Song Lyric Answers for Chapter 14

Song: Me and My Broken Heart - Rixton

Book Line: but underneath it all, there's nothing left but the jagged pieces of me and my broken heart.

Song Line: A little but I'm hoping it might kick start, me and my broken heart.

anyways, I have nothing else to say lol except ily guys so much ❤💛💚💙💜💖💞🎀💕💝 like y'all have no idea.

give me some constructive criticism and feedback in the comments; I really appreciate it. I wouldn't have found a lot of the typos if it wasn't for you guys. however, please make sure it is polite 😊😁

what's your favourite song atm? comment and tell me 💋💌🐘 also if you want me to make a banner for you like the one below, just dm me for details :)

lots of love❤💛💚💙💜🤣💕💋💌🐘💝🎀🎉💞,

lots of love❤💛💚💙💜🤣💕💋💌🐘💝🎀🎉💞,

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☆*♡Over and Out♡*☆

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