Chapter Seventy Three

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After a couple of days, Madeline was more than happy to leave Henry with any of the others. Rebekah and Davina fought over the three week old baby like he was their own, many times Marcel or Elijah had to step in to stop their squabbling.

Madeline and Klaus spent more time alone with one another, and it had gotten to the stage when they couldn't keep their hands off of each other once more.

As Madeline awoke one morning, wearing one of Klaus's shirts with Henry laying on the bed babbling adorably beside her, she looked up to see Klaus sitting on his side of the bed with a sketchbook in his hands.

"What are you doing?" She murmured, using her hand to cover her mouth as she yawned.

"Drawing." Klaus replied, moving the pad to his chest when the brunette propped herself up to take a look.

"Let me look, I'm not going to bite."

"I might." He teased with a charming grin. "I'll let you look, when I've finished."

Madeline lay back down but rolled onto her back before picking Henry up in her hands and holding him in the air above her, his chubby fists were curled up as he shoved them into his mouth. "Good morning, my handsome boy!" She cooed, causing him to smile down at her.

Klaus vamped off of the bed not a moment later, and disappeared out of the door. "Did you get dressed?" She called out, "I don't think anyone really wants to see you running around naked!"

He was back in bed before she could blink, the sketchbook now gone. He grinned as Madeline tilted the baby down towards him and allowed the baby to 'glide' through the air towards his father. She kept her hold under his arms, and Henry removed his slob covered hands from his mouth and reached out with the drool covered limbs as he neared Klaus.

The Hybrid took the baby from Madeline and settled him atop his chest, where the little slimy hands grasped at the leather cords of his necklaces.

The human turned to lay her head against Klaus' shoulder, as she pulled faces at her son - causing him to smile widely to show off his gums.

"He has your smile." Madeline stated, "Minus the fangs, of course."

"It's nice to hear that he has something of mine." Klaus stated, "He has your eyes, your hair colour, the shape of your face-"

"-He has long fingers." Madeline said then, "Which means he's going to be artistic."

"Or a pianist." Came the response, "Uncle Elijah will be pleased."

"Do you play?" She asked then, "I've never heard you play."

"I can." Klaus replied, "But not as well as my brother. Painting is my true forte."

"I've never played an instrument." Madeline said, "And I've never managed to get out of the stick-man stage when it comes to drawing. My handwriting is awful."

"Then please refrain from writing me any love letters."

She gave him a small nudge at his teasing. "I've never been good at anything, except dancing. I failed math, I was rubbish at science, even worse at geography, and I was terrible at history. But I suppose I can hold a decent tune." She sat up and ran a hand through her long, dark hair, "So, let's hope he takes after you when it comes to intelligence."

"Yes, let's hope he's as perfect as I am."

Madeline smiled as she watched Klaus interacting with Henry, and despite the fact that their son was only three weeks old...she was broody. But with the Mikaelson Aunt on the loose, it wasn't exactly the ideal time to bring up the subject of having baby number two.

Klaus looked over at her, "What?"


"What's that feeling? And that look for?"

She flushed scarlet, and rolled off of the side of the bed and onto her feet, "Nothing, I'm just going to take a shower."

Thankfully, the Hybrid let it go and turned his attention back onto his son as Madeline left the room. She showered and dressed before drying her hair, and making her way back into the bedroom.

"As radiant as ever." Klaus commented, looking her up and down, causing her to blush.

"Stop it."


Klaus handed her Henry, so that she could take the infant downstairs to give him his bottle while the Hybrid himself showered.

Freya was sitting in the kitchen with Elijah and Rebekah when Madeline made her way into the room; which had been a common occurrence the past couple of days. The brunette wasn't fazed by her presence in the slightest, and offered her a small smile as she handed the wriggling infant over to his uncle Elijah so that she could warm up the milk.

"Oh crap." She murmured, looking into the fridge and pouting. "That's the last of my breast milk."

"Can't you just pump some more?" Klaus asked, wandering into the kitchen with damp hair.

Madeline opened her mouth to reply, when Rebekah beat her to it. "She's all dried up now, I'm afraid."

Klaus pinched the bridge of his nose, "I can remember that we had a discussion about you spending time in your box, if you didn't throw your bloody books away."

"I haven't read anymore." The blonde snapped, "Maddie told me yesterday."

"Yeah, I went to make some more and it just hurt." The brunette replied, "My mum was only able to feed me for ten days when I was born. Jem was fed until he was six months. Some can do it for longer...I think Carol Lockwood had Tyler on the boob until he was thirteen."

"You really dislike that woman, don't you?" Elijah commented, taking the bottle from the Gilbert girl once she had checked to make sure it wasn't too hot.

"Don't get her started, brother." Klaus said, "I believe Madeline holds a grudge for longer than I can."

"That's certainly saying something." Rebekah sassed.

"She told me to stop dancing at my own birthday party!" Madeline defended herself, again. "I was eight!"

"Would you like me to kill her?" Klaus asked, "Will it prevent you from telling this story again?"

"I thought you already had." Elijah said, "I can remember scolding you for it."

"You've scolded me for a lot of killings, Elijah."

"Wait, she's dead?"

"No." Klaus sighed, "She had a Gilbert ring."

"Excuse me? There are only two, and I have one and Jeremy has one and - Oh, wait a second, what's this? I know I failed math, but doesn't one-and-one make, I don't know, two?"

"Jeremy gave his ring to Matt." Rebekah informed her, "Since he became one of a The Five, he's a supernatural. The ring doesn't work on him anymore."

"So, how does Carol Lockwood have one?"

"She borrowed it for a bloody Founder's Day event." Rebekah said.

"Carol and her need for everyone's fucking heirlooms." Madeline grumbled.

Freya soon got everyone back on topic about Dahlia, and although Madeline listened with one ear, she was too busy watching Henry and his adorable little face as he drowsily suckled at his bottle, his eyes dropping closed.

Her heart swelled with adoration and pride.



"Are you okay with that?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure." She waved a hand dismissively, her thoughts returning to her broody state.

The Promised One (Klaus Mikaelson/The Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now