Chapter Four

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Madeline spent the rest of the weekend with Sam.

She drove home to get herself ready for work, only to find her two siblings arguing over their dads old watch.

"Nice of you to finally show your face, Jem." Madeline grumbled, shoving her way between her siblings to get to her bedroom door. She showered and changed, before heading back out of the door and towards her car to get to school.

Both of her siblings were situated in her vehicle (Elena riding shotgun), and she ignored their incessant bickering about the watch all the way to Mystic High.

"Are you going to the Founders-"

"-No." Madeline replied, "I have a date with Sam."

Jeremy groaned from the backseat, "Are you serious? That guy is an asshole!"

Madeline shook her head, "Thanks for your opinion little brother. But at least he wished me a happy birthday."

"You're still upset about that?"

"Of course I am!" She snapped, parking the car and whirling around in her seat.

"Whatever." He grumbled, kicking open his door.

"Jeremy!" She shouted after him, "Get back here!" He ignored her, and Madeline turned to Elena with tearful eyes. "I don't understand what I've done to him."

"It's not you." Elena replied, "He's still upset about Vicki. She's out of hospital, but she's dating Tyler Lockwood. Jeremy's heartbroken."

"But why is he taking it out on me?"

"I don't know."

"Just give him the damn watch." Madeline shook her head, "You don't want him being mad at you too, so just let him have the watch. Fuck the council."


The two sisters left the car, and made their way across the school grounds. Stefan waved to Elena, only for the younger Gilbert to turn her back to him as she rounded on her sister.

"Maddie...I'm worried about you."

"Don't be. It's not your job." Came the response, "I'm tired, I don't have the energy to argue with you. Just...go and see your boyfriend, and then focus on your studies. I'll see you after lunch for last period."

The older brunette gave her sister a quick hug before she made her way passed the gym and towards the dance room. She felt lightheaded on her way there, and had to take a drink and splash some water on her face from the fountain. "Get it together, Madeline." She scolded herself.

The morning dragged on, and she felt worse and worse with every class that she had. At lunch time, she couldn't even move from her desk; she was so lethargic! She closed her eyes for a moment, and slept until the bell rang for the start of her final lesson.

She greeted her class and her sister with a forced smile, and as she got up from her chair to demonstrate a particular move for the routine...she collapsed. There were a chorus of gasps, and Elena was by her side in an instant.

She could see Bonnie flying out of the room.

"Maddie, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." She lied, "Just, everyone get into groups of fours or fives, and practice the routine we did on Friday!"

Elena helped her sister into a sitting position, and it wasn't long until Bonnie returned with the school nurse.

"Here," The matron handed her a cup of orange squash. "You need some sugar, sweetie. Elena, can you go and see if Mrs Woods will take over the class? I think Miss Gilbert needs to rest. You girls will have to do volleyball or something else today, I'm afraid."

"Yes, Matron."

Madeline spent half an hour in the matrons office, to be told exactly what she had been before she was told to take a year out of school. Her lack of diet was affecting her health, and she needed to take time off to recover. The Principal reassured her that they would find a replacement to cover her dance classes, and she could assign one of her girls to take over the position as cheerleading coach. Of course, Madeline suggested Caroline Forbes.

She was dropped home by the principal, and had handed her car keys over to matron to give to Elena.

As soon as she was at home, she huddled herself underneath the blankets on her bed. She hoped Elena would film the cheerleaders during their performance tonight at the game, although Madeline knew that her attention would be focused on Stefan.

She must have fallen asleep, however, because the next thing she knew - Jenna had burst into her room and flicked the news on the television that was situated on her bedroom wall.

"Have you seen this?" She exclaimed, sitting on the end of Madeline's bed.

At the sight of the breaking news, Madeline sat up and stared wide eyes at the tv. Coach Tanner was found dead at the high school, and it was assumed to be another animal attack!

"Oh my god!" She held a hand to her mouth in shock. "That's awful!"

Jenna grabbed Madeline's hand, and gave it a squeeze. "Elena and Jeremy are alright. They're on their way home from the game now."

The brunette nodded and squeezed her aunts hand in return. "They must be really shaken up, after what happened at that bonfire party and now at the school?"

"I know." Jenna replied with a sigh, running a hand through her long blonde hair. "Police are telling everyone not to walk alone at night. At least then, if this animal does attack again, someone will be there to call them before it turns fatal."

"I don't even want to think about this." Madeline held her head in her hands, "I never know where Jeremy is, and now Elena's out all the time I just...what if, one day, this is them?"

"Don't think like that, Maddie!" Jenna scolded her, but the worry in her tone was evident. The sound of the front door opening, and the two bickering younger Gilbert's entering had the young women sighing in relief. "If they're still arguing about that damn watch, I'm going to scream." Jenna grumbled.

"I know what you mean." Madeline replied, unable to find the energy to chuckle. "I told Lee to just let Jem have it. Mrs Lockwood can suck my dick if she's going to be that needy about it. She's got plenty of heirlooms on show as it is."

Jenna chuckled at that. "Can I try and change your mind about going? It'll be nice if you were there."

"I have a date with Sam." Madeline replied, "And before you go all Hulk on me about it, don't. I can't be bothered to argue."

"I can't really go all Hulk anyway, it'd make me a hypocrite...Logan keeps asking me out." Madeline raised an eyebrow at that, "My resolve is crumbling. I think I might just agree."

"Do what you want, Jenna." Maddie smiled softly. "I'd rather you didn't. I mean, we don't call him 'Scum' Fell for no reason...but then again we do call Sam: 'Weasel' Phillips."

"Where is he taking you?"

"To the cinema, I think." Madeline replied, "Then probably back to his house."

"Spare me the details." Jenna gagged, "Just make sure you use condoms."

"Will do."

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