Chapter Thirty Four

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A lot had happened in the two days that Madeline and Klaus had been out of town. Elena and Damon had told her that Klaus's minions had tried to kill Jeremy just to get the coffins containing the Original family inside (that Stefan had stolen). As soon as Klaus had returned, he ordered his minions to stand down on the condition that his family were given back to him. Elena was the one that complied, because Madeline had told her that the Original Hybrid has saved her from Sam.

The older Gilbert girl didn't tell her sister about their visit to the witch. She didn't tell her sister about being Klaus's Promised One. She didn't tell her sister about their trip to the ballet. She didn't tell her sister that she was on the verge of having sex (with said Hybrid) in a public place.

"So, you're saying that your ex-boyfriend abducted you and took you somewhere...and Klaus just swooped in two days later to save you?"

"Yeah." Madeline took a large swing of her white wine. She was currently at the Mystic Grill with Damon and Alaric.


"Because Sam had gone rogue, and I suppose Klaus wanted to kill him as an example for his other minions? I don't know, Damon!"

"And he just - ever so politely - offered you a ride home?"

"Pretty much."

"I'm calling bullshit, bestie."

"Look, Damon, Klaus must have known that Stefan had his family. And trusted his Hybrids to sort it out...obviously as soon as he found me - Elena's sister - he thought he could use me as leverage to get back what he wanted. See? It's not so hard to piece this together, is it?"

"Is that a love bite?"

Madeline flushed scarlet and clamped a hand on her neck, "What?"

"Ah ha!" Damon accused her, "There is no love bite, bestie. Now tell us the real story-"

"-I don't have to explain anything to you!" She snapped, "Did you remember it was my birthday two days ago? No? I didn't think so." She downed the rest of her wine, and was about to get up to leave when the three of them were approached by a familiar face.


"Ah, good afternoon, Maddie." The dark haired Original smiled, "Damon, Alaric. It's good to see you again."

"I would say likewise but...last I heard, you were dead." Damon replied a shrug, "Forgive me if I'm not celebrating, here. You did betray us, after all."

"Yes, I can only apologise for that. But I suppose since being daggered, and then awoken again by Stefan, things have worked out in everyone's favour, haven't they?"

Madeline couldn't help but agree, "Yeah." She replied, "Although my Aunt is dead and my brother has had to leave Mystic Falls. I found out that ghosts are real, after I was nearly killed by one. My so-called best friend and my lovely little sister forgot about my birthday, and I'm practically still unemployed...yeah, I suppose things have changed since you took a nap."

Elijah was silent for a moment, "You've been spending time with Niklaus."

She frowned, "What makes you say that?"

"You called my temporary death, a 'nap'."

"We have you there now, Maddie." Damon crosses his arms over his chest and turned on the only woman in the group, "Even Elijah is in our corner."

Madeline rolled her eyes and got to her feet, "It is lovely to see you again, Elijah." She said, "See you later Ric." She narrowed her eyes at Damon, "Bye Friend."

The older Salvatore gasped, "Am I no longer your bestie?"

"No." She snapped, "Even Hayley remembered, and not only have I not seen her since the clinic - it was a full moon!"

She turned on her heel and stormed towards the front doors of the Grill, but ran head first into a broad chest.

"Do you have a werewolf friend, love?" Klaus asked. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Err...because she's quite happy not being undead." She replied, feeling her heart racing in her chest and her face flush scarlet from his close proximity. "And I guess it just never came up in conversation."

She felt his fingertips on her collarbone, as he picked up her wolf pendant to examine it. "Does she live in Mystic Falls? Perhaps I just missed her."

"She doesn't live here." Madeline replied, "And before you ask me where: I don't know. She keeps moving around...especially when I told her where you were when you were out on your Hybrid Bender-thing."

His eyes met with hers then, and he chuckled softly, "Hybrid...bender-thing?"

She felt her face flushing an even deeper shade of red, "Anyway, if you're looking for your brother, he's over by the bar."

He caught her wrist before she could force herself to walk away from him, "Where are you off to, sweetheart?"

"Home, why?"

"Be careful." He said, "Elijah's not the only brother of mine awake...Kol has a small issue when it comes to feeding."

"Like Stefan?"

"Yes, except it's not a matter of losing control. He's just having fun."

She couldn't help but suddenly feel anxious, "Alaric gave me vervain tea, this morning." She said, "He said that'll stop a vampire from feeding off of me."

He nodded, "Yes, but it won't stop them from killing you."

"Oh, well, thank you for that little piece of advice. Am I safe, anywhere?"

"If you wish to remain by my side every minute of everyday, you will be."

"Ah, Niklaus." Elijah stated.

Madeline took the opportunity to slip away, but of course, she kept her eyes out for anyone she didn't recognise. This whole supernatural ordeal really gave a whole new meaning to the warning: don't talk to strangers.

She made it home without any incident, and immediately phoned her sister to see what else was going on. Elena had known that Stefan 'woke up' Elijah, but hadn't realised that the Original had undaggered the rest of the Mikaelson clan.

The sisters met at a small coffee shop, for a catch-up. Neither of them wanted to discuss anymore 'supernatural shit' so, Madeline did what she did best - she grilled her sister on her love life.

"How are things with you and Stefan?" Madeline asked, "After the whole...Klaus compulsion-thing."

Elena ran a hand through her hair, "It's...a bit rocky, if I'm honest." She explained, "Damon's been really helpful though, he's trying to help Stefan get his cravings under control, and he's letting me know how things are going." She gave her sister a look, "Someone is making him care."

Madeline held up her hands, "Don't look at me."

"I didn't mean you, Maddie...he's gotten very close to someone else. I was surprised when she told me, if I'm being honest."

Madeline was surprised, "What? You mean like Andie Starr?"

"No. This isn't anything like Andie Starr."

"Lee, just spit it out! He's not telling me anything, he's been too busy accusing me of 'getting jiggy with the Hybrid', just because he offered me a ride home."

Elena sighed, "She'll kill me if she found out I told someone."

"Out with it, Lee."

"He's kind of seeing Bonnie."

I totally shipped Bonnie with Damon. So, that is going to be a thing in this story.

Again, please remember that this story only loosely follows the plot in TVD, so events will not be in the exact order.

The Promised One (Klaus Mikaelson/The Vampire Diaries)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα