Chapter Forty One

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As they parted ways with Alaric, the two of them returned to Klaus's mansion, where the elephant in the room weighed on Madeline's shoulders for what felt like an eternity. She tried to act nonchalant and casual, but at the same time...she had just admitted - out loud - that she was in love with the Hybrid. She wasn't expecting him to say anything in return, but the fact that he had yet to utter anything to her was unnerving.

"Is that why you ran out of here, scared, this morning?" Klaus finally asked her.

"Yes." She replied, honestly.

"You were scared of me."

"No." She said, turning around to face him. "Not at all." Madeline crossed the room to sit on the couch beside him. "My feelings for you frightened me. I didn't..." She shook her head, "It just- this doesn't seem real. I don't know how or what to feel about it. It scares me, that's all. It just seems so sudden."

"Never do that again."

"What?" Her heart thudded in her chest, thinking that he was talking about her confessing her thoughts and feelings.

"Put yourself between me and danger." Klaus said, "If Alaric had been quicker in pulling that trigger, he would've shot you. You forget that I cannot be killed, but you are mortal."

She looked away from him, and played with the Gilbert ring on her thumb. She felt his fingers lightly pinching her chin, as he brought her face up to meet with his.

"I love you too."

She felt euphoric, and her heart raced in her chest as a pink tinge hit her cheeks. But she looked away from him.

"You don't mean that." She murmured, "You're just saying that, because I said it."

"Have I ever lied to you before, sweetheart? Believe me when I tell you, that I have no intentions of starting now."

Madeline looked up at him again, and greeted his lips with her own in a tender kiss.

"Nik!" The front door slammed open, and in stormed Rebekah, "Where the bloody hell are you? You narcissistic wanker."

"Welcome home, little sister." Klaus rolled his eyes as he got to his feet, "What appears to be the problem?"

"I think I'm going to go." Madeline commented, awkwardly. Grabbing her bag and making her way past the siblings, who looked as though they were on the verge of a deadly argument.

"You're letting your delicious little snack escape." Rebekah commented, a second before Madeline closed the door.

Speaking of sisters, Madeline believed she had given Elena the cold shoulder for long enough. Apparently, Jeremy had gotten over his forced compulsion and forgiven the middle Gilbert sibling for her, Madeline believed that not only should she do that same, but she should apologise for the name calling - it had been childish, after all.

Elena picked up on the first ring, "Maddie?"

"Hey, Lee, I'm really sorry for what I said." She sighed, "I know it's asking a lot for you to forgive me for the names I called you but-"

"-It's fine, Maddie. I'm sorry too. You were right, I shouldn't have done that to, Jer."

Madeline frowned when she recognised the unmistakable sound of an engine, "Are you driving?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, firstly, please don't answer your phone when you're driving and secondly - I could really use a lift, right now."

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