Chapter Fifty Eight

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Papa Tunde took Madeline away from the safety of the compound, and into the French Quarter graveyard. She followed him willingly, because he had told her that he had both Klaus and Rebekah held captive there.

The moment she laid eyes on the Hybrid, she felt as though her heart was about to stop beating. He was laying on the floor in some kind of catatonic state, his eyes were wide open and he looked as though he were in immense pain.

"Madeline!" Rebekah exclaimed, her gaze then narrowed dangerously towards the dark skinned warlock. "What is she doing here? If you harm one hair on her head, I'll-"

"-Klaus killed by twin sons." Papa Tunde stayed, cutting off the blonde Original's threats. "I am just getting my revenge."

Madeline backed away from the witch, but before she could reach Rebekah - she felt something sharp cut into her neck and tighten. The pregnant brunette dropped to her knees, and reached up to grab at the whip that was around her neck.

"No!" Rebekah yelled, as she fought against her restraints, "Let her go!"

Madeline couldn't breathe, and she could see that Klaus was now moving; his body was twitching as he struggled to wake up from whatever hold he was under. She could see the dried blood on his chest, and the tip of a bone began to protrude from the wound and just before Madeline could see black spots dancing across her vision - Papa Tunde's magical strangulation device was torn from her throat.

Elijah had found them, and had brought Marcel and Hayley to the rescue party. Madeline watched as Hayley ran to Rebekah, and removed her restraints as Elijah dropped to Klaus's side and rolled up his sleeve.

"Madeline! Move!" Rebekah screamed.

The pregnant human span around and watched as Tunde held up a sharp blade and brought it down upon her.

She closed her eyes, knowing that she wasn't going to be able to move fast enough. The sound of the blade entering through flesh disturbed her pouring ears, and Madeline was then aware that she felt no pain.

Arms were around her though, and she opened her eyes to see Klaus. He was sweating, obviously the pain he had been in was strong enough to affect an Original.

"Klaus!" She ripped the knife from his shoulder, as he set her on her feet.

"Stay here, sweetheart."

Klaus joined the fight with his siblings, Marcel and Hayley. Madeline could only watch on in sheer panic, as the warlock was powerful enough to take on three Originals (one a Hybrid) as well as a vampire and a werewolf.

Suddenly, Hayley was thrown aside from the battle. Blood splattered everywhere, and the wolf hit the wall of the cemetery before she dropped to the ground and lay incredibly still.

"No!" Madeline cried, as she ran forwards. Tears fell from her eyes as she dropped to her knees beside her beaten friend. "Hayley?" She murmured, brushing some bloodied locks out of the brunettes pale face.

She pulled her friend's head into her lap, when the wolf began weakly coughing, blood coming out of her mouth. "It's okay." She tried to keep her voice steady, but it was hard. She knew her friend was dying. "Everything's going to be alright, Hayley. We'll give you some vampire blood and it'll help you heal!"

She hoped the slightly older girl could hear her, and was comforted by her words. But when she could give no response, Madeline found her emotions harder to keep under control.

"I love you so much, Hayley." She caressed her cheek. "Just hold on just a little longer, please don't go."

She rested her forehead against her best friends, and she didn't know Hayley had already passed until she felt a hand on her shoulder, rather than one of the vampires moving to heal her friend.

"Get away from us!" She snapped, her tears blurring her eyes as she held her dead friends body protectively against her. "Go away!"


"-No, Marcel!" She screamed at him. "Go away-"

"-Maddie, she's gone." But Elijah's words didn't register with the distraught Gilbert.

"No, she's not. She can't be. I need her!" She hugged Hayley tighter when the older Original stepped forwards. "Don't touch her!"

Elijah held his hands up before backing away and speaking to Marcel in a hushed tone. They needed Davina to put Papa Tunde down for good. Currently, the torture blade that had been embedded in Klaus' chest was in his own, which was only keeping him down temporarily.

Madeline couldn't care less about the plan. She was more focused on her best friend: Hayley wasn't dead. She couldn't be! But she knew deep down, that the wolf wasn't going to wake up. She sobbed as she clutched Hayley's body tightly, not giving a single thought or care that she was covered in her best friends blood.

"Please, wake up Hayley. I need you."

"My love?"

"Please, don't be gone."


"Can you do something?" She finally looked up at Klaus, "Please, tell me it's not too late! I just can't lose her, Klaus!"

"I'm sorry, my love...she's gone."

Her eyes filled with even more tears, and she choked on a sob, "But she said she would..." She looked down at her friends face. "She didn't get to meet the baby. She was going to be godmother...she..." She shook her head, "She's my rock."

"Take all the time you need, sweetheart." Klaus sat down beside her. "I'll be right here."

She cried over her friends body for what felt like hours. She cried until she could cry no more; she was exhausted.

When she finally spoke, her voice was a mere murmur. "At the clinic." She sniffed and wiped her eyes, "The one Damon compelled me to go to, to help me recover from my anorexia. Hayley had been there for a couple of months before I arrived." She was silent for a moment as she reminisced nervously making her way up to the moody looking brunette that had her head buried in a book, sitting all alone in the cafeteria; picking her way through a bowl of fruit salad. "She was so kind to me. It's cliche, but we were instant friends. She was there for me through all of it. She didn't have to be - she wanted to make herself better and then leave to find her parents...but she stayed, for me." Tears built up in her eyes again. "I couldn't have done it without her, Klaus...and now she's...she's gone."

Klaus didn't say anything; he allowed her to speak without interruption; he allowed her to cry without any comments; he allowed her to have as long as she needed.

"Are you ready, my love?"

She felt numb, "I don't know." Klaus waited in silence, with the patience of a saint (for once). "Can we take her to the Bayou? She would have wanted that. I think Jackson needs to know, as do her pack."

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