Chapter Sixty One

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Klaus had contacted both Elijah and Rebekah the next morning, to tell them the amazing news that the newest member of the Mikaelson family had been born.

"There's a slight surprise though." He had said, before hanging up on them both.

Madeline thanked Mary for everything, and Klaus promised the woman that he would pay her a debt for what she had done for his family.

Madeline carried the newborn through the bayou, and towards Klaus' Porsche. Where the first-time father opened her door for her and helped her into the passenger seat.

He drove back towards the French Quarter slowly and gently, and as soon as he had parked up - he vamped around the side of the car to open Madeline's door and help her out.

"You've been quiet all the way home, my love. What are you thinking about?"

"About boys names." She replied honestly, "I mean, if it's alright with you - seeing as he was born on Hayley's birthday...I'd like him to have a middle name, after her. Her real name was Andrea." Madeline said, "And I suppose the male equivalent for that would be, do you like the name Andrew?"

"I like it." He said, with a small smile.

"I was also thinking..." She began, "You told me that your little brother; your youngest sibling, was called, what about Henry?"

"Henry Andrew Mikaelson." Klaus tested, to see how the name felt on his tongue.

"What names do you like?"

"I think the ones you picked suit him." Klaus stated, sliding his arm around her waist as they walked into the compound. "It's perfect."

"But I named him. You haven't had an input-"

"-He has my last name." Klaus stated, "He's a Mikaelson, not a Gilbert."

"Did you say 'he'?" Rebekah demanded to know as the first-time parents walked into the courtyard.

"Yes, sister." Klaus replied.

"Surprise, Auntie Bex! Come and meet your nephew."

Rebekah's eyes welled with tears as she vamped over to them, and Madeline passed the sleeping baby over to her.

The blonde held him as delicately as possible, one would think he was made out of glass. "He is beautiful. Hopefully, he doesn't inherit his father's anger issues."

"He will probably have my wolf gene, so I would imagine the anger issue is a given."

The three walked over to the benches in the courtyard, and Madeline grabbed herself a cushion before easing herself down onto it.

"So..." She smiled up at the blonde, as Rebekah cooed adorably over her infant nephew. "We're going to have to return all of those little pink dresses."

"No, we won't." Rebekah replied, "Just get started on making a little girl." Madeline's mouth dropped open, and Klaus just laughed. "I'll go out after my cuddle with my nephew, and get all the newborn boy outfits that I can."

"Ooh, could you pick up that baby grow we saw? The pale blue one, with the ears, that I cried over because they didn't have it in pink?"

"That one is already on my list." Rebekah replied, placing a kiss on Henry's forehead. "But I'm not putting him down until my arms get tired. So, you'll have to wait."

"Elijah will be here soon." Madeline replied, "You do know, he'll fight you for him."

"And he will loose." The blonde waved a hand dismissively.

"You should be sleeping." Klaus murmured to Madeline.

"I know." She replied, with a small smile. "But I don't want to look away from him. I'm worried I'll wake up and this will all have been a dream."

"I can assure you, this is very real."

"Yeah, I get the painful reminder down in my nethers when I sit down."

"You always knew how to pick a lady, Niklaus." Elijah stated as he entered the compound, "This one never ceases to amuse me. How are you feeling, Maddie?"

"A little sore." She replied honestly, "But your nephew is definitely worth it."

"Nephew?" Elijah's eyes lit up, "This must be the surprise you spoke about."

"Nik and his bloody riddles." Rebekah stated, rolling her eyes. "What is his name anyway? Or have you yet to decide? I like Rebeko."

"Henry Andrew Mikaelson." Klaus stated proudly, as he joined his Promised One on the bench. Madeline winced when the movement of Klaus sitting, jostled her.

"Here, Maddie." Elijah grabbed a glass and bit into his wrist, letting a few drops of his blood drip into the glass. "Why Niklaus didn't think to help with your pain, I don't know."

"Thank you." She took the offered glass from him, and grimaced at the coppery smell. But she drank it all the same. "Now, if you'll excuse me...I need to shower. I'm covered in birthing sweat, and I feel disgusting."

"I think you look stunning." Rebekah commented, "You have that first-time mother glow, that all humans rave about."

Madeline felt her bottom lip wobbling, and she darted from the room before she could bawl her eyes out in front of the Originals. As soon as she left the room, however, she had to peer back in just to make sure her baby was still there.

She showered, and the vampire blood that she had in her system worked wonders for the pain that she was in. Within minutes, she believed she was able to run a marathon!

The brunette dried and dressed herself before rushing back down the stairs in a sudden panic when she could hear the baby starting to cry.

"It's alright, my love, he's fine." Klaus stated, rocking Henry in his arms - soothing his cries.

Madeline crossed over towards them and gently lay a kiss to the top of her sons head, before she pressed her lips against Klaus's.

They made their way into the living room of the compound, where it was warmer and quieter. Klaus passed the baby over to Madeline so that she could breast feed. As soon as Elijah and Rebekah entered the room - the older brother walked straight back out again; not knowing where to look.

Rebekah sat down beside Madeline, ignoring the baby suckling at her breast, and held up the pale blue baby grow that had the wolf ears on the hood.

Madeline cried.

Once Henry had had enough milk, the new mum changed him into his 'little wolf' outfit, and put him down to sleep. As Madeline lay on the bed beside the crib that Elijah had put together, Klaus watched over both her and his newborn son like a hawk.

The Promised One (Klaus Mikaelson/The Vampire Diaries)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat