I'm dating a criminal? That's bad ass

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Camila looked over at Lauren every now and then, between serving customers and wiping glasses.

She smiled as she watched the older woman pour drinks, and frequently giving customers the cold shoulder as they tried to make conversation with her.

Camila smiled at the thought that Lauren seemed to only reserve her softer, friendlier side for her and Camila enjoyed being the only one allowed to look behind the curtain.

Things had been going so well between them for the last month. Camila didn’t exactly know what they were, but she was just glad to not be waking up alone in Lauren’s bed anymore.

However, She couldn’t help but wonder, were they exclusive? Dating? Friends with benefits? But it wasn’t like Camila to dwell for too long, she decided that going with the flow was enough…for now.

Lauren broke Camila free from her thoughts as she felt the older woman’s chest pressed into her back.

“If you keep staring at me like that, I’m going to have to drag you into the storeroom” Lauren whispered into Camila’s ear, sending shivers down the younger woman’s spine.

Camila fought the overwhelming urge to close her eyes, and melt into Lauren’s body. Camila turned around to face the currently promiscuous Lauren and bit her lip.

“Well if you don’t like it, maybe you should stop being so god damn sexy..” Camila whispered as she leaned up, her lips pressed against Lauren’s ear as she flirted shamelessly.

That familiar tingle erupted within her again, as it did often when she was around Camila. Her gaze reached Camila’s in time to see the shorter Cuban wink before excusing herself to serve another customer.

It was Lauren’s turn to stare now, as she watched Camila talk to, and interact with customer after customer.

Lauren couldn’t help but admire this beautiful aura of confidence Camila exuded, and it completely illuminated every atmosphere that surrounded the beautiful Cuban.

Lauren also couldn’t help the mild jealousy that she caught herself feeling, as she watched several guys throw themselves at Camila, her Camila.

As if on cue and as if Camila could hear Lauren’s thoughts, Camila smiled the most beautiful and untarnished smile at Lauren, accompanied by a flirtatious wink.

Lauren was so sure Camila would be the death of her one of these days, especially if she kept sending those heart-stopping smiles Lauren’s way.

It was time for Camila’s break, and she walked towards the back of the bar to retrieve her bottle of water and sit down for a few minutes.

She was almost there when an arm wrapped itself around her waist and dragged her into the storeroom.

Camila’s heart almost jumped right out of her chest in fear before she came face to face with those familiar, spine-tingling emerald eyes.

“You scared the crap out of me Lo, what are you doing?” Camila asked, still trying to regain control over her heart rate.

Lauren closed the already minimal space between their lips, capturing Camila’s bottom lip between her own before biting it gently.

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