A lie, a quiet dinner and a bed big enough for two

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Lauren was stunned, she had no idea how to respond, and a blank expression over took her face. She stared at the expectant look on Camila’s face, and panicked.

“Uh, I should get home, it’s pretty late..” Lauren answered finally, mentally slapping herself.

Why is she saying no? Lauren wants nothing more than to take Camila’s hand, follow her into her home and ravish the….

“Oh okaym..well I’ll see you tomorrow night then?” Camila replied sadly, interrupting Lauren from her rather steamy train of thought.

“Tomorrow night?” Lauren asked confused, wondering if she made plans that she forgot about, she rather doubted it though.

“Yeah, at work? do you have a day off?” Camila asked, not really understanding where the confusion was coming from.

Obviously unaware of Lauren undressing them both in her mind just moments ago, thus flustering herself.

“Oh, right, yeah, see you at work,” Lauren said simply, eager for Camila to hurry up out of the car. Not that Lauren didn’t want to be near her, but she really did want to get out of the uncomfortable situation. 

Camila merely nodded, and gave a weak smile before getting out of the car and heading inside. 

Lauren watched Camila close her front door behind her before head butting the steering wheel. Lauren pulled out of Camila’s street and began the short journey home.

She smiled at how close she lived to Camila, and wondered how she had never seen her around before, although L.A was a pretty big place.

Lauren got into bed, and pulled her blankets up, wondering what Camila was doing right now. The more she thought about her, the more butterflies erupted in Lauren’s stomach.

She wondered what kind of food she liked, what kind of music she liked, what kind of family she came from.

Lauren wondered what Camila did to keep herself in such incredible shape.

Lauren’s thought’s wondered from her beautiful hair, to her milk chocolate eyes, and her perfect lips.

Lauren longed to kiss those lips.

Lauren eventually pulled her thought’s away from Camila long enough to look at the clock, and it was already 4:30am.

She sighed, incredibly frustrated that the beautiful brunette, and the butterflies she gave Lauren was stealing her sleep, and she wasn’t even here.

Lauren eventually closed her eyes,
and drifted into a deep sleep


Weeks had passed since that rainy night. Lauren and Camila’s 'early hours of the morning' drives home became an every night thing, much to Camila’s open delight, and also to Lauren’s more subtle delight.

Both choosing to ignore the awkward end to their first drive home. They still didn’t talk much, well Lauren didn’t talk much, but they both just seemed to enjoy the other’s company.

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