Sort of Bonus?

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Hey guys. If anyone makes it this far in the book or comes back just for this part after all these years, it's nice to see you.

I decided a while ago to make a sort of master list of books I've read on Wattpad, so I can go back to them, know that I've read them, and easily recommend books to others.

Today I have decided to share this list (or what I have on it so far, still a long work in progress for hundreds of books I've read) with the entire world. Or anyone that reads this part.

So here it is. A giant list. The first 5 pages, as of writing this, is purely a table of contents. So you can easily find the kind of story you are looking for. And the title of each book is also a link to the actual story on wattpad. 

If this works out, and people find it useful, I hope to finish the wattpad version and then maybe make an Archive of Our Own version as well. I will just never delete anything from my history on there. Ever. And hope it doesn't delete itself either.

So here it is. The link to the master list. It can only be accessed through the website, not mobile. Sorry for Wattpad discriminating. If you are on mobile, you could try to copy paste the link, or open in your Chrome/Safari/Whatever browser your phone uses. I also added it as an external link, again only seen on the website. 

I will also add it as a comment. If someone could let me know if the link works, that'd be great.

Happy reading, I sincerely hope you all start to leave wattpad and only read on your phones, disconnected to the internet, to ignore the ungodly ads. 

I Love You More Than Before (Drarry)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora