Chapter Twenty

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AN: I think I might end this soon. Maybe ten more chapters? I really want to start working on my own Drarry story and I've kind of reserved Friday's for updating the current Drarry story. Because I have a schedule now.


Draco's POV

That confrontation had been both eye opening and major failure.

Sure it brought us closer together, but I didn't get it say a thing that I had planned ahead of time. I just broke down sobbing in his arms like a small child.

It was so far above just mere embarrassment. I had completely lost any sense of composure I had ever maintained. If my father cared about me at all anymore, he would have beaten me to near death for showing so much of my emotions.

On a better note though, Blaise and Hermione have stated dating. I suppose the boy needed a girl to finally control him enough to have a steady relationship rather than be a major playboy. And who's more controlling than the girl who helps to plan her school lessons.

I'm happy for them though. And I can tell that Harry is too.

The Christmas break is next week and we still haven't decided where we're going or if we will stay at the castle for the holidays.

Normally harry would've gotten us an invitation to the Weasley's for break but he's still far from talking to either the boy or girl still going to school with us. We can't go to the Manor as that had been taken by the Ministry when my father was arrested shortly after the war and my mother fell into a deep depression and went to live with some great aunt that hates the Malfoy family and wishes that her niece hadn't married into it.

So really this only leaves the castle as an option as far as I know. But then again, Harry had probably been given mansions across all of the world for defeating the Dark Lord as many times as he had.

So I'll have to ask him about that soon. But first I have to head into Hogsmeade to see if I can find a gift for him. I already have a pretty good idea, but I'm not sure how he might feel about it. So I'll get him a couple of different things and work something out from there.

I'm heading into town with Blaise, as he still needs to get a gift for Hermione as well. Perhaps we'll end up spending the holidays with the two of them as well. I know that Blaise hates going home to his mother and her countless boyfriends. I don't really blame him for that.

Usually he either stays in the castle with me or heads to the Manor with me. We have spent the holidays together since our first yea here, and I don't want to ruin that tradition now that everything else has changed. So I'll have to bring that up to Harry as well when we get back.


AN: So what do you think Draco should get Harry for Christmas?

This is super short. Or at least he feels that way to me. But I'm just throwing shit every where at this point. It's hot and I have school crap to worry about.

Q: What is a story or series you recommend on Wattpad?

A: So mine would have to be the Fire and Ice series by TheWitchAndTheCat. And that's only because my favourite author on here actually had all of her stories reported. RIP xXCatXKittyXx (?) I always get the X's mixed up on her user name. But she got a new account that she doesn't post on anymore and uses a blog now instead.

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