Chapter Twenty One

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AN:  So my computer keeps glitching out. It's getting rather annoying at this point.


Harry's POV

Today Draco and I were doing the last minute packing for the train ride back to London tomorrow. I had decided to take the next step in our relationship and plan on bringing Draco with me to Number Twelve Grimmauld Place. Plus Draco is technically an owner of the place more so than I am as he actually has Black blood in him.

At least that retched portrait won't blow up on him. It might boost his arrogance a bit, but he needs it after everything that he's been through in his life.

We've been getting along far better since the little breakdown we shared in our current living room area. But I am still a little worried that perhaps we aren't completely fine. Because sometimes I wake up before Draco and see the trails of tears on his pale cheeks.

I just haven't brought that up yet.

I wasn't going to mention it until at least after Christmas. That way we can start off the new year completely honest with each other. No matter how much that honesty may hurt.

I've already chosen a wonderful gift for Draco. Even if we don't stay together after our talk, he'll sill wan to keep it. It's a beautiful ring, not an engagement ring, that is shaped like a dragon curling around the finger with a green emerald for the eye that matches my own eyes. Just so he remembers that he will always be my little Dragon.

Or maybe I'll talk to him before Christmas so that it will be an engagement ring. I'll save that talk for the train. That way we'll have friends there incase we end up attacking one another. Because that's what everybody expects from us.

On another note, it turns out Pansy wasn't all that aware of us dating. Even though it was basically broadcasted around. So when she did find out, she flipped worse than Ginny. She had even tried "converting" him back. All that resulted in was her getting a real pug face. And a slap. But I'll leave it up to the imagination of who gave her what.

So yeah, it has been sorta busy around here. What with Pansy smacking and Draco crying in bed. But while one of those problems has been solved, the latter still worries me. It could just be because of his familial problems. Or he could still be feeling neglected by me. And boy do I hope for the former. Because I don't want to be the reason for my baby's pain any longer.

I'm just going to have to go ask him now, because otherwise it's going to be bothering me for a bloody long time. I just hope it's nothing to serious, like terminal cancer.


AN: Sorry this is so late. I totally forgot about writing until I was laying in bed last night.

So I'm going to leave a list of stories I plan to work on, please vote for which ever ne you are most likely to read.

Wait, What!? - about a boy who almost made it to the Olympics for skating but was horribly embarrassed and gone into hiding after another hopeful stopped him from going to his trials.

Casmund - A ship between Edmund Pevensie and Prince Caspian, a bit of an AU based on the Disney movie version featuring some Mpreg

Sterek - A ship between Stiles Stilinski and Derek Hale, Might be a bit of an AU with Mpreg

Not Sure Yet - A Nico di Angelo fanfic concerning a boy who has read all the books and happens to be a demigod himself with more issues than Vogue itself

That Which We Discover - A story about superhero kids who all have their own problems.

Style and Flare - A story about a young American man moving to Paris to complete his dream of being a fashion designer that comes into the path of a successful CEO out shopping with his younger sister in Paris

Camp Rock - A different version of the Disney Original Movie that follows the path of a boy named Lindsey who takes the role of a girl in order to finally fit in more in a different environment than where he grew up.

So please all pick one of these stories and I'll start working on it right away.

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