Chapter Eleven

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AN: I'm back. After much deliberation over whether to remove this cesspool of a story or not. I do hope to start writing on a schedule though. So you can all have this and then I'm going to pre-write some and update regularly. Hopefully.


Harry's POV

Draco's going to come over to talk to me now. I can tell.

I'm just sitting here, eating my small lunch at the almost empty Gryffindor table. It's just a little before classes get out, but we both apparently had a free period and decided to come down and have lunch early. I guess he finished though.

I bet that's not the only thing he's finished recently. I think he's going to end it with me. I'm too much trouble. I should just save myself the heart ache and throw myself off the Astronomy tower. Nobody would care if I did anyways.

But before I even get the chance to move from my seat, Draco is already standing behind me, asking me if he can talk to me in private. He probably wants to save himself the embarrassment of other people watching me in hysterics when he ends it. 

So I followed him back out of the Hall and into a small broom cupboard off of the main entrance to the school.

Now I always thought that when someone breaks up with you, they don't kiss you and hold your hands before doing so. But maybe Draco wants me to feel loved one last time before he seals the deal on my death. The thought alone hurts more than the action.

I can't look him in the eyes. I don't want him to see the tears already building behind the thick frames of my glasses. 

Although it seems my efforts were for not, as he hooks one of his long pale fingers under my chin and forces me to stare into his eyes. He frowns a little. Probably upset that I'm ruining his plans of going quietly as I'm letting tears leak from the corners of my eyes before he even gets the chance to say anything.

No wonder he wants to end things.

Now he's starting to wipe my eyes for me while still keeping my head up. And he's smiling. Does he enjoy my pain that much?

His smile seems sad though. Maybe he's upset that I'm wasting more of his time. I'll hold back the waterworks so he can have a chance to kill what's left of my heart.

With the tears stopped, he grabs my hands once again after gently pecking my lips. Before I even have the chance to look away from again he asks something that I definitely did not expect. 

"Harry, I know this is going to sound pretty strange considering where we are at this exact moment, but will you move in with me? And I don't mean move to my house with me, but a room here in the castle. And we can stay there for as long as you want because I know just how much you truly love this castle. So what do you say? Will you?"


AN: I am back. Mainly because I just realized how many people were actually reading this disgusting trash. You are all welcome. 

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