Chapter Twenty Two

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AN: Hopefully I post this one on time.


Draco's POV

So it's officially Christmas morning here in Number Twelve Grimmauld Place. Harry had apparently been worried about me shortly before we left. I had been crying because I received a letter that my mother had killed herself. I just didn't want to tell Harry when I received it because I was still trying to really understand it.

But now it not the time for worrying about the fact that I'm as much of an orphan now as Harry basically. Because we have each other for family now, anyways.

We are going to have a wonderful, non magically, homemade breakfast and then we shall share our presents for each other.

I do admit that I was a little hesitant about the non magical breakfast but I suppose with Harry there it should be fine. He was raised by evil muggles who forced him to cook all the time. He knows how, and can thereby help me.

I really can't wait to give Harry his present. I woke up extra early this morning to place it under our beautifully decorated tree just to make sure it was there when Harry comes out later.

I plan on proposing to him with it.

The ring it quite a stunning piece as well though. A stunning piece of jewelry for a stunning man.

It was a custom ring in the shape of two lions with their tails entwined on one side in the shape of a heart with silvery diamonds for eyes.

Yes it's not much of an engagement type ring, but we aren't exactly the most conventional couple. And this way even if we don't get engaged, he'll still have the beautiful ring to show that he's the lion protecting my heart.

So yes I was very excited to give the ring to him. I probably shouldn't have woken up quite so early, but I'm just too excited over this. It's not every day I propose to my beautiful love.

I wish it was, just to show how much I love him every day, but only one proposal can truly show my undying love for this boy.

Now after we exchange our gifts and lounge around the house, hopefully our shared home at some point, we'll head off to Blaise's house for a Christmas party where all of our friends will be.

So it will be an exciting day, no matter what Harry's decision is.

It would seem he's beginning to wake now, which probably means that I should go make sure my breath smells alright so I can give him a loving kiss under the mistletoe in the middle of the kitchen as we cook.


AN: So this was kinda short. But at least it's finished on time this week. I actually wrote it right after the last chapter.

If you haven't yet, please check out Not Sure Yet. I posted the first chapter on Wednesday, and that's the day it will be updated on from now on hopefully.

Unashamed self promoting right up there^and down below.

Also check out fem_piggy It's a joint account that will have amazing stories soon.

Hope you all enjoy that story as much as this one.

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