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[p i p e r]

Back to my body. My brain chip obeyed.

I was lying on a bed, in the Homestead, with full scale panic around me.

Gally is screaming. Everyone is yelling.

Everyone were so engrossed with their arguments that nobody noticed me.

Except one.

Newt sat next to the bed, his eyes trained on me, and he raises an eyebrow when he sees my eyelids flutter open.

I pull a finger to my lips and tell him to keep quiet. I wanted to hear what the commotion is all about.

Newt nods.

"It's her! She's a spy from the Creators!" Gally yells.

"Shut up!" Minho snaps.

"Ever since she came, everything has been going wrong, and now? New grievers. New. Shucking. Grievers. And they are going to attack us until we all die. The doors don't close. We are dead."

"We have to escape, the Creators are trying to drive us out." Minho says calmly.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?" Gally screams.

I sit up suddenly, taking the room by surprise. "He's right."

"I saw. There's only one way out." I say. I do not know how I know this, but it seemed to fit.

"Griever hole." I say at Minho. He's shocked, but he nods.

"Okay now ask all the gladers to come" I instruct Newt and some of them go running out to gather the others.

I looked at Minho. He smiles at me, grateful that I am alive. But I know it would be the last time I see him.

I have a plan.

If they were going to label me as the Rebel, that's exactly what I will do.

"You're alive." Minho grins.

"You need to lead them." I say, suddenly aware we were lacking in time.

His jaw clenches. We both know something big is coming.

"You?" he asks. But there is something in his voice, he knows I would take a seperate path. Our friendship is so telepathic, in this way.

I stand, surprised at my own balance, walking out of the Homestead.

Everyone was there. Except... Alby.

My heart pangs. One down.

"I need all of you to trust me on this." I say. Everyone is silent. The tension was thick.

"Everyone is aware that the doors don't close anymore and that are new monsters. We need to escape. The Creators are trying to make us." Silence. Newt must have told them to let me talk.

"There is a part of the maze where the grievers go through. We call it the griever hole. It's the way out." I say. I felt confident. I know the Creators are watching.

"You need to fight. I do not deny that. But what would you choose, dying here at the hands of the grievers, or fighting for a chance out?" I yell.

Nods. Whispers. Some shook their heads.

"I will not force anyone into this. If you are willing to fight for a way out, a chance, you will head over and grab some weapons. We will leave tommorrow."

I was never a leader. But now I was.


He runs into the woods. But nobody seemed to care.

Three quarters of the gladers head to get weapons. I did not care for the remaining people.

"What's your plan?" Minho and Newt approach me after everyone was settle down for their last night in the Glade.

"You guys get out through the Griever hole." I say. "The code is FLOAT CATCH BLEED DEATH STIFF PUSH."

Newt nods, before saying "How about you?"

"She's going to do something stupid again." Minho growls, but there is no menace in his words.

"I am" I laugh. It was obvious to me. They wanted me to go through the box. But they think I'm a rebel so I would ignore their instructions and go through the griever hole.

But I am a rebel.


"They want me to go down through the box." I start.

"But it's a trap." Minho interrupts.

"And they know I am aware of that." I interject.

"So what's your bloody plan?" Newt demands.

"Easy. They know I wouldn't go through the Box so..." I trailed off.

I look up at the two boys. They know what I am about to say.

"So I'll give them what they want." They shared a look of worry before nodding at me.

"For once."

AN: As usual Piper doesn't make sense. Let me explain.
1) The Creators want Piper to go through the Box so they tell her to do so. 2) The Creators think that Piper is a rebel so she wouldn't go through the box.
3) Piper knows the Creators think Piper would go through the Griever Hole.
4) Piper would go through the Box to be a rebel and piss them off.
BTW, do y'all think Jenny really burned the place down since Piper gave the command and escaped after.

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