ch. twenty

131 6 6

time is coming

shane had his head over the toilet, as there was a continuous stream of mucus coming out from his constant coughs. his lungs didn't even try fighting, as they let shane stuffer the cause. shane reached out for the help button that was near the toilet, as he fell back against the wall. his breath everywhere, his lungs trying to take in as much oxygen as they could. 

"shane?! are you alright?" miss jenning came in, as she rushed towards the bathroom, seeing shane's state and immediately crouching down next to him. "why would you take your tank off?"

miss jennings reached over for shane's tank, as she then connected him to it, watching as he curled up in a ball. she then moved his arms out of his face, as she then put her stethoscope to his heart. shane sat there in silence as miss jennings listen to shane's rapid and a bit of an irregular heartbeat. 

"it's too early to say, but for the time being, keep connected to your tank. if you go out, take the multiple packs of the travel size that have been prepared for you."  miss jennings stated, as she reached her hand down to lift shane up, but he just stayed staring at the ground. 

"shane, i need you to do your therapy and take your medication. please, don't do this now." miss jennings pleaded, as he crouched down and looked at him with concern. "what's wrong, shane?"

".....just a bit tired." shane responded softly, as he looked up at miss jennings with a blank look, he was even too tired to make an expression. "i'll be okay, just got less sleep than usual last night."

miss jennings smiled softly, though, she was still concerned about shane. he had been in this state before, they were able to save him, but what if it didn't work this time around? though, it could just his normal coughing up and tiredness, maybe nothing more than that.  she did want to run some tests, but it would still be too early to completely tell and didn't want to worry shane. 

"come on, we need to do your daily procedures, now." miss jennings spoke in a kind voice, as once again, she stood up and reached her hand down for shane's as he then obeyed, and sat down in his therapy chair by the window. 

miss jennings went over to shane's cart of medication, getting all his pills and water, and handing them to him. shane drowned them like they were nothing anymore, and waited for miss jennings to do his normal therapy like usual. shane then closed his eyes, as he felt miss jennings place on his headphones to listen to his music, but one ear was completely on yet.

"listen, shane. start being careful again. i'm here to try and have you live as long as you can, not to watch you die. please, start doing what you need to do." miss jennings spoke into his ear, before covering it up with earbud. 

'watch me die? you've been watching me slowly die since i was nine, why is it any different now.' his thoughts spoke.


shane sat in his car in front of luca's school, watching all the parents leave with their child in hand. he smiled, as he couldn't wait to see ryan again, and spend time with like they said they would. shane pulled down the car mirror, as he was checking his hair once more, but his eyes were more attracted to the nasal tubes giving him oxygen. 

shane stared at the tubes in his nose, as he thought back to what miss jennings had said hours before. though, would a couple of hours hurt him much, he was still taking another oxygen therapy either way. shane careful took out his nasal tubes and reached behind his seat to turn off the tank, which was hidden under the seat. 

he turned back around, and looked in the mirror, smiling to himself. he looked finally looked like nothing was wrong with him, something that he would never be able to experience in his life. he didn't want ryan to find out either, for many reasons, but shane didn't want to worry him most all. he's always worried about shane since the two were little, as now, shane just wanted to spend as much time as he can with him. 

shane shook his head from the thoughts and got out of his car. he breathed in the fresh autumn air, as the leaves were starting to color slightly. it reminded him of the time when he was just eight years old, staring out his window, wanting to be free and run around. little did he know, he would never be able to do that, or even be completely free. 

shane walked up to the school steps, walking through the halls, as he then came upon lucas's classroom. he heard laughter from the room, as he peaked his head in, seeing toby and lucas playing with random blocks of toys. he smiled softly, as they started to run around the little classroom until he felt a hand on his shoulder. 

"they remind me of us, you know, when we were little." ryan smirked, as he was watching from afar at shane. "although, let's be honest, i was the cuter one when we were younger."

"oh shut up, i was cute too." shane spoke, as he clicked his tongue and crossed his arms over his chest. "you're just mad."

"ahah, are you sure?" ryan laughed, as he made a questionable face towards shane.

"yeah because if i wasn't, you wouldn't have kissed me..."

ryan cheeks went into a small blush, as shane smiled towards him. 

"thought so."


i'm so excited to write these from here on out on this story

it's finally about to get to it's main plot lmaO

i'm just gonna say sorry in advance


- andy :)

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