ch. seventeen

182 11 10

i'll wait

the day was warm, as the fall sun was beating down. shane laid his head against the tree trunk reading a novel, as his friends were playing frisbee and running around. he always felt left out when they messed around like that, he could only move around like that for so long until his lungs would ask for a break. 

shane then looked down at his watch seeing that it was also time for his therapy session. he packed up his books and binders, throwing them neatly into his backpack. shane casually walked over to the three boys, as they fought over the frisbee. 

"you all act like children." he stated sharply, resulting in all the boys to just agree. "anyways, andrew. can i borrow your car? i need to go to my therapy session." 

"yeah, sure." andrew responded with a soft smile, and handing shane the keys to his car. "garrett, you're taking me to get my car back later though."

the two then started to playfully argue, as shane ended up walking away. he got to the car, and started it up, checking his mirrors before then driving off. shane always felt weird behind the wheel. sure, he got his license and is able to drive, but he never saw himself driving when he was younger. it was always in the back of his mind when he was little to never expect more in the future, maybe that's why. 

shane was surprised he even made to see college, or even be able to see himself grow into his full teenage years. but, there wasn't a doubt in his mind that one day it would crash down upon him, reminding him that either way, he was bound to die. though, shane didn't let himself get carried away about the thought of death. he was still living for a reason, and he wanted to find out that reason. 

soon, shane parked outside what he called home, others would call a hospital. he put on his mask before walking in, and seeing all of the nurses greet him as he entered. shane walked all the way to his room, as he opened the door and saw his doctor already preparing everything for him. 

"new record, yaw. you're actually three minutes before time today." miss avery laughed, as she waved her hand over to get him to sit down. "how was school today?"

"just student council stuff, recruitment, seeing freshmen scared out of their minds" shane chuckled, as he then felt hands wrap a vest around him, as he never liked the feeling of it too much.

"and farlan? how are you two doing?" miss avery said with a slight smirk, as shane knew what she was hinting at. 

"he's great, and we're the bestest of friends like usual. everyone wants us to be together, but i don't know. i just don't think it's him, he's not the one you know?" shane responded as miss avery then looked down to shane's eyes. 

"he doesn't have to be, shane. that's the point of dating, to have fun with another and be there for each other, and just maybe, he might just stay forever."  miss avery said, as shane just looked up at her with soft eyes and a smile. 

"i think i rather wait, i don't want just anyone." shane answered before miss avery then put tube into shane's mouth for him to breathe into , as she turned on the vest to vibrate. 

"i respect your decision." she smiled, as she watched shane through his therapy as she usually put on music for him so that he could close his eyes and forget that all of this was happening. 

finally, for what seemed like hours, miss avery stopped the vest and took the tube out of shane's mouth. she helped take off his vest, as shane's phone then went off. he reached over as he saw a message from his father. he smiled, and opened the notification. 

dad: hey shane! how are you? did you get to therapy on time this round?

shane: i'm great, dad. and yes! i did actually. 

dad: that's good. i'm glad you're finally getting serious about your treatments.

dad: you know all i want is the best for you

shane: i know that. 

dad: well i'm glad. hey, would it be alright if you pick up your brother from school?

dad: claire and i have to work late

shane: sure, no problem. 

dad: i always knew you were a good kid

shane sighed, putting his phone into his pocket, and getting up from his chair. he told miss avery that he had to go now, as he took his outdoor bag and headed out. he knew that the school usually let out the children for pick-up around four-thirty. he quickly got into the car, and drove all the way to get his little brother, not wanting to be more late than he would already be. 

it only took a span of a couple minutes before shane arrived at the nice little school. he went inside, as there was still a couples of parents walking out with their child. shane entered his brother's classroom, as he saw him playing with another little boy at one of the little tables. 

"who's your new friend, lucas?" shane laughed, as his little brother turned his head quickly and a big smile appeared all over his face as he ran into shane's arms. 

"this is my new friend, toby, and toby, this is my brother shane." lucas spoke happily, as his smile stayed perfectly. 

just as shane was about to greet himself to toby, there was another voice - 

"sorry, little bud, i was caught up at s- oh, hello."

shane looked up seeing a familiar face from earlier that day. shane laughed, realizing that this was the boy that was late to class. he stood up, releasing a grip on luca's as he stood a couple of steps closer to the smaller boy. he looked too familiar once he got closer, but shane extended his hand out. 

"i'm shane, i think we've met before at school." shane smiled, as the smaller boy just stared down at shane's hand before pushing his hand away and staring right into shane's bright green eyes. 

"greet me when you can remember me." he said, as he grabbed his little brother's hand and taking one more look at shane. "i'll be waiting."


this sucked ass i'm sorry

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