ch. four

278 19 2

bricks and boys

"make sure you put on your jacket, ryan! it's starting to get colder outside!" his mother yelled out, as she was feeding ryan's little sister morgan.

"already done!" ryan beamed wearing his small light blue jacket, as he waved to his mother goodbye and ran out the house door and down to the park.

ryan was one of those kids that everyone liked to be around, and he was always happy. his mother and father always had him the nicest clothes, as he'd wear polo shirts with his little pants rolled up and long socks, so that his legs were hidden. yes, he was obviously a little overly dressed sometimes to school, but he liked it and that was all that mattered.

ryland continued running towards the big park that was only a good five minutes away from his house. he slowed down as he watched both sides of the street, and crossed carefully. he came closer to the park, as he saw a little boy sitting on his own on the ground of the park, running his little car against the grass.

usually when ryan came there was no one there, but now there was someone to play with. he casually walked up quietly to the boy, as the little boy looked up when he felt a presence come towards him. all ryan saw was bright green eyes, as the rest of his face was covered with one of the masks that he'd see the doctor's wear when he'd go get a check-up.

ryan thought it was a bit weird, but sent his a small smile. the two boys stared at each other for a couple of seconds, giving time for ryan to examine his features. ginger hair that was sticking up in multiple directions, a taller frame that ryan, small hands just like ryan's, and most intriguing the green eyes. ryan was stopped when the other boy picked up his car and walked away in the other direction.

"hey! wait! i want to play with you!" ryan shouted out in a plead, as the the other boy turned around and looked him up and down. 

"go play with someone else." he muttered, barely able for ryan to hear since the mask was in the way.

"are you blind? there is no one else here to play with!" ryan shot back, as he placed his hands on his hips and narrowed his eyes at the boy. "come on! we can be friends, i promise i'm nice!"

the little boy took one look at ryan again as his back was towards him, and ryan sent him a wide smile with his hands behind his back. the boy clenched his teeth together, as he felt a brick from his wall fall and break into pieces by just a smile that he received. he'd be damned if he let someone break it down, what a fool he'd be.

"i've got to go anyways. maybe another time." the green-eyed boy said, as he turned threw his eyes towards his car in his hands as he'd give in if he had to look at him any longer.

"oh well, alright. just so you know, i'm ryan. but you can call me ry if you'd like." ryan said kindly, as he then took a couple of steps closer to the other boy. "may i ask what your name is, stranger?"

"it's shane, that's all you need to know." he spoke, as he looked back up at ryan.

it drove shane crazy that he couldn't just blow this kid away, what was so great about him? why couldn't he just tell him to leave him alone? this boy was neatly made, and he didn't this boy to be anywhere near his life, but he couldn't just bring himself to push him away to the dirt. shane then started to walk away confused with himself when he felt a hand grab onto his wrist.

"why are you wearing that mask too? are you sick?" ryan asked politely, curiosity running all through his mind about this boy.

"allergies." shane answered, pulling his wrist out of ryan's grip and walking away from the park.

shane then arrived home, as he heard the television on in the living room. he saw his mother with another guy next to her. shane didn't really care as this was the second guy to come over this week. he went to his room, locking the door behind him and yanking off his jacket. 

he kept his mask on as he saw himself in the mirror. bruises all up across his arm now as they were deeper into his skin. he brought his small hands to his face, and took off the mask to make the rest of his face visible to his eyes. scattered bruises every where, as he couldn't cover them up this time with how dark they were.

he suddenly felt colder.


currently an anime fuck 

- andy

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