"Someone sent me a photo of you some other guy at a cafe" Hyunjin mumbled.

"You thought I was cheating?" Seungmin asked. Hyunjin nodded guilty.

"Baby" Seungmin laughed quietly.

"The guy is straight and he has a whole girlfriend. The three of us were partnered in a group assignment" Seungmin explained.

"I only saw you and him in the picture" Hyunjin whispered.

"She was getting us drinks, here look"

Seungmin reached the bed side table and grabbed his phone. He went to the guys Instagram which was filled of pictures of him.and his girlfriend hanging out.

"See" Seungmin said as Hyunjin looked at all the pictures.

He gulped, suddenly feeling guilty, "I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions"

"Its okay baby" Seungmin said.

Hyunjin leaned forward and pressed his lips against Seungmins. When he pulled away, Seungmin only pulled him back for more.

Somehow Seungmin was now laying on his back and Hyunjin hovered over him as the simple kiss turned into a heated makeout session.

Hyunjin began trailing kisses down to his neck when Seungmin stopped him.

"What about what Changbin said?" He asked breathless.

Hyunjin smirked, "Then I'll guess you'll have to be quiet"


"They're fucking" Minho said laying on the bed next to Jisung.

Jisung laughed as the they heard the bed creaking from through the wall.

"They nasty" He giggled.

"Yes they are" Minho said turning to cuddle up to Jisung.


"Changbin is going to kick some ass tomorrow morning" Jimin stated as he kicked off his crocs and layed on the bed.

"Its literally 11 at night, couldnt they have waited until tomorrow when everybody was out or something" Chan groaned.

"How much you wanna bet its Seungmin and Hyunjin?" Jimin said getting under the blanket.

"Nah, most definitely Minho and Jisung" Chan said getting under the blanket as well.

"How much?" Jimin said holding out his hand.

"Twenty dollars" Chan said taking hold of Jimin's hand.

"Deal" They both said and they both shook on it.

"So what's up with you and Jeongin?" Chan asked.

"We were playing Uno and I put down a plus four" Jimin said making Chan wince.

"Damn" Chan said with a chuckle.

"Yeah. He got mad and said I was adopted"

Chan snorted.

"Shut up, I was actually adopted" Jimin said.

"Wait really?" Chan asked.

"Yeah. I found out later that my dad had died before I was born and my mom wasn't able to care for me alone so she put me up for adoption. Some nice couple adopted me and I lived with them until the found my grandma who lived nearby and I ended up living with her"

"Does Jeongin know?" Chan asked.

"No, the topic never really came up" Jimin shrugged.

"But it's not his fault, I did say that that was why you cheated on him" he added.

Chan stared at him, "So it's both if your faults"

"Yes sir"

"Enough about that, what's going on between you and Jeongin?" Jimin asked.

"I honestly dont know. I explained him the whole situation but he's still hurt by it. He doesnt trust me as much" Chan explained.

"Damn for real" Jimin said sarcastically.

"Shut up"

"Whatever, just figure this whole thing out. Find out who posted the video and talk to him more" Jimin said before flipping around.

"Go to sleep, dont face me or touch me" Jimin said. Chan scoffed and turned around the face the wall.


Jeongin twisted and turned in his sleep before sitting up gasping for air. He was covered in a cold sweat, his hair slightly damped.

He reached for his phone and checked the time.

3 am.

He sighed and rubbed his hands on his face. After the nightmare he just had, he didn't want to sleep alone.

He slipped on his pink hoodie, and his crocs putting them on sports mode. He grabbed his pillow and unzipped the tent.

It was dark outside. To dark for his liking.

He stepped out the tent and quickly but quietly walked towards the trailor.

He quietly entered the trailor, peering into the living, there was Woojin laying on the couch/bed on his phone.

Jeongin slipped off his crocs and walked over to him.

"Hey" Woojin said quietly when Jeongin approached him, clutching a pillow.

"I uh had a bad dream...is it okay if I sleep here with you. If-if not then that's fine, I can- I can always go back" Jeongin said shivering slightly.

Woojin smiled softly at him and patted the space next to him.

"You're always welcomed" Woojin stated. Jeongin nodded, putting down his pillow and slipping under the blankets.

"Come here" Woojin opened his arms and Jeongin instantly cuddled up to him.

"Want to tell me what the dream was about?" Woojin asked.

"Taemin" Jeongin whispered. Woojin nodded in understandment.

"Its okay" he said softly. "Let's try to go to sleep, yeah?"


Chan woke up with the sudden urge to pee. Quietly getting out of bed to not wake Jimin.

He exited the room, stretching slightly but stopped when he saw Woojin and Jeongin cuddling.

He couldn't help the jealous feeling in his chest. And that's when he decided he didn't have to pee that bad.

So he turned around and went back to bed.


I changed my user to _Stay_Army_ I also changed my profile pic lol. Also double update bc people requested💜

 Also double update bc people requested💜

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