Chapter 42: The Final Result

Start from the beginning

She runs to our room and drops to the bed. I follow her with Juliet in my arms. "We will be going to the doctor on Friday."

"I don't want to,"

"You need medication and therapy Cassy,"

She stands and looks at me. "But, I can control it."

"you can't,"

"You just want to go back with Alex!"

"Stop saying that, and what does Alex have to do with this?" I ask.

She stands, "You would want to be with her right?"

I sigh, "Rest. I am going to give Juliet her bottle."

"No!" She suddenly grabs the baby from me.

"Cassy!" I yell.

"She is my baby," she says. "you just felt sorry for me right?"

"Let her go,"I say.

"I am not going to hurt her," she looks down at her. Juliet is crying. "Sssh, be quiet," Cassy says.

"I need you to put her down," I say. "We can talk in the living room."

The phone rings in the kitchen. I ignore it though, I am afraid Cassy is going to hurt the baby.

"BEEP, hey it's Kyle. Dad is already in prison. I am going to see what's going on, if you want to fly over, so yeah," the voicemail cuts off. Darn, I can't leave right now.

"See now you are leaving me alone!" Cassy yells.

I shake my head, "No. No, let's go, together."

"Really?" she asks.

"Yeah," I smile. She giggles, "Okay, let me pack."


We arrive to the city'a jail. Kyle and Samantha are there.

"Hey," Sam says, "I am here just for moral support." She has the twins on a double stroller.

"Thanks," I say. "or are you here because my dad stole money from your dad?"

She looks down, "Yeah. Umm, my dad couldn't be here so he send me in his place."

"What else did your dad do?" Cassy asks.

I shake my head, "No idea."

"Dad is going to court in a week," Kyle says. He is walking from an office.

"So are we getting him a lawyer? He is our dad after all," I ask him.

He shrugs, "he has an appointed attorney."

"Well, let's see how this goes," I say.

We can't do much for now, so we go back to Kyle's place. Cassy and Sam go to a room with the babies. Kyle and I stay in the living room. "Alex called me asking when his trial is going to be," Kyle says.

"Do you think she will need to testify?" I ask.

"Maybe, he did kidnapped her," Kyle says.

"I need to talk to you about something else," I say. "Cassy needs help after all, but she doesn't want any."

"You need to help her even if she doesn't. She has your kid staying with her almost all day. She can hurt her," Kyle says.

"She won't, I know that, but she does need help," I say. "What do I do? I can't just inject her with sleeping medication and drag her to the doctors."

"I know," he says. "is she still freaking about Alex?"

"Yeah, she thinks any second I am going to leave her because of her,"

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