"You will love it over in my little piece of paradise, Sweetness!" Julian said as they readied to head to the airport. "I am so excited, I hope Miss Mawko likes it too!"  

Before they could say another word, Harvey and Wolf burst into the house.

"What on earth is going on??" Emmaline exclaimed. 

Harvey didn't say a word, he just grabbed his niece, the woman he regarded as his own, his daughter and ushered her towards the door.      

"Uncle Harvey!!" She yelled, "What's wrong with you??" 

Julian was quick to try and get in front of the determined detective but Wolf was quicker.   

"I'm sorry Kitten, I know you're happy, but I will not see you murdered if I cannot help it!" He said. "Then he turned to Wolf who had handcuffed Julian. "Keep him safe, Wolf...you know what to do...I'll take my Kitten!"

"This is insane, Harvey!" Julian yelled as police came into the house.

"No, son...this makes complete sense!" He said as he dragged his niece out of the house.


"Harvey, what the fuck is wrong with you?? Have you lost your fucking mind??" She snarled as he drove her out of the city. "Where is Julian? Where are you and your men taking him?"  

 "I can hand those jars over to Zosar but it won't ensure your safety or Julian's, Emmaline!" Harvey said back. "And I will NOT lose you!"   

"What will happen to him??" She asked, the tears of anger and fear streaming down her face.

"Wolf and the team will take him somewhere safe Kitten..." 

"DON'T call me that!" She snapped "He is one of the most famous, well-known men on this earth, Harvey! I don't care what happens to me, just please...keep him safe! He is the only man I have really loved that I could call my own!" 

She was still crying, but her tears were not anger, just sadness, fear. 

"I and my team will do everything we have to, Emmaline!" He promised her.


"What is this?? Where is Emmaline??" He demanded.

"Son, don't EVER say that name again! If you want to live!" Wolf said.

Julian looked around at the tiny cottage that was now his new home. He had absolutely no idea where he was.

"I need to know, what's going on? What's happening?" He demanded to the detective. 

 "Son. You're in a safe house, you're under a whole new name and identity." Wolf said.

"I have family, friends, a life back home, a dog!" He said.

"Not for a while!" Wolf said, bluntly.

Those words were enough to bring him to his knees. 

No Sean, no Charlotte, no May, no family back in Liverpool, no Justin, no Nick, no Mark, no Timothy.

No Winston. No Mawko.

No Emmaline.

No one.

"So, who am I now?" He asked.

"Hop up off the floor, Son, and I'll make you a cup of tea, or something stronger!" Wolf said.

The detective sat a glass of rum down in front of Cynthia and John's boy who was visibly shaken.

"You were born John Charles Julian Lennon, but you go by the name of Julian?" Wolf half asked, half told him as he sat down, across from him.

"Correct, Logan" Julian answered.

"So you really were born to a bloody Beatle??? One of the Fab Four??" Wolf kind of fangirled.

"Yes Wolf, my Father is John Lennon, the frontman of the Beatles" Julian said.

"So, why call you Julian?" 

"Well, we couldn't have two John Lennon's could we? In the end, Mum started calling me Julian. John is after Dad, Charles is after Mum's Father and Julian is after Dad's Mum Julia." Julian explained.

"So what would you like to be called now?"

"I'll tell you if you tell me just anything about Emmaline, where is she?"

"I'm gonna call you Bob in a minute!" Wolf growled.

"Logan put yourself in my shoes, what if I never see her again?? I mean I know you're a lonely old hermit but...."

"Who said I'm a lonely, old hermit??" Wolf cut him off. "I'll have you know..." then he trailed off, an idea coming to him. 

"What Logan? What is it?" Julian asked.

"Fuck me! Why didn't I think of him at the start??" Wolf continued.

 "Logan??" Julian said again, still in the dark.

"I gotta call Harv!" He said, still ignoring Julian as he got his phone out. 

"How about you call 'him' first and get the ball rolling? So I can get back to Emmaline!" Julian suggested.

"Right! Got you, Lennon, oh and sorry for handcuffing you son, you are by no means a criminal!" Logan said, heading into the small kitchen.

He dialled the number he hadn't in over twenty years and put the phone to his ear.

"Well... isn't this a surprise??" Someone said as soon as they picked up. 


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