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They had been staying in L.A for three nights so far.

Julian was up early, to take his antibiotics and was more than happy with the speed his wound was healing.

He had had no visions of Taweret either. Three wonderful nights of good, solid sleep.

Emmaline really was, a wonder doctor.

To show his gratitude, he decided to make her a delicious and hearty breakfast.

He cooked her up a breakfast fit for a Queen, and instead of tea or coffee, he poured her a tropical juice and made her a hot chocolate, but with a twist, he created a velvety white hot chocolate for her.

But before he could carry it down to her room, she was already heading into the kitchen to make her first cup of coffee for the day. 

"Good morning Jules!" She said, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Morning Emmaline! I made you breakfast!" He informed her, the tray that was in his hands was now on the dining room table.

"You sweetheart!" She blushed, "what is all this for?"

"Just to say 'thanks'!" He said, feeling good inside.

"You know? I can't honestly tell you the last time someone made breakfast for me!" She said as she sat. "I do appreciate this, Julian...thank you!" 

He had brought his own breakfast over to sit and eat with her.

"My pleasure, Emmaline!" He said with a smile still so big.

"So how many letters have you signed out of the seven thousand?" She asked making conversation.

"Only a couple hundred in the last three days, I find if I sit for too long, my side starts to hurt, so I am really pacing myself because as much as try, I just can't sit and sign thousands of letters." He said, having a sip of juice.

 "I trust you're not overdoing it, Julian" Emmaline warned, eating some of her scrambled eggs on her buttered ciabatta bread.

He smiled at her, he didn't realise it but for the past three nights, she had woken regularly to check up on him. 

"I can even show you my little pile that I have only signed to prove it, Doctor!" 

"Well, I believe you. Just keep plodding along and you will surely get there Mr Lennon! How long are we staying here in California?'

"Four or so more days, in which we REALLY need to get out and enjoy our time together instead of being cooped up here! Fancy going for a drive to see where the bushfires ripped through?"

"If also we can go for a swim at the beach?" She compromised. 

"In winter?" He asked, "Emmaline darling, this isn't Australia!" 

"I'm in L.A. in the vicinity of some gorgeous beaches, Jules...I have to have at least one swim at a beach!" 

"Well okay, here's the through where the bushfires were, lunch out on the town, then a swim and a stroll along the beach to end our day. How does that sound?" He told her.

"And those remaining letters?" She asked.

"I'll pace myself tonight and get a few done!"


The damage and destruction was devastating.

It seemed to shatter the good mood they were in prior to getting out and driving.

Julian pulled the car over and got out, his iPhone and his camera at the ready.

"What are you doing?" She asked as she had joined him, on the side of the road.

The hillsides were just charred and burnt.

"Taking photos, for my Instagram page, a few people have been wanting to be able to see the devastation for themselves, and if they can't get over here to see it for themselves, social media is the next best thing! I have the power to show people just what Mother Nature is capable of!"   He told her.

She pulled a tissue from her handbag and wiped her now teary eyes as he continued to take photos, oblivious to her pain and sadness.

"Do you want to come and be in a photo with me?" He asked, with a smile as he looked at the photos he had just captured.

She found herself sobbing round the back of the sleek car they were driving, it was a brand new Mustang in a gorgeous bright red. 

"Emmaline??" His concerned voice carried in the light breeze. "Dear, what's wrong? Have I upset you??"

"Oh, don't mind silly, old, emotional, cry at anything me, Julian!" She insisted "Did you get some good shots?" 

His phone and camera went onto the passenger side of the Mustang and he made his way over to her.

"Has this place...being here, does it trigger something?" He asked, gently rubbing her back. Her tissue was now a ball of mush.

She rummaged for another one only to find her packet empty.

He reached into his jeans pocket seeing this and handed her a large, masculine handkerchief.

"Use that love, don't hold your tears back, let them out! I'm here sweetness, I'm here!" He said softly.

They stood leaning against the back of the Mustang, surrounded by Mother Nature's wrath and fury, and she just cried into the handkerchief he had given her.

"I'm sorry Julian" She apologised again.

"Remember we would always be honest with each other?" He said, his arm gently around her waist.  "When you feel ready, I'm here to listen, love" 

"Seeing what these fires can do, the sheer destruction...brings back memories, of the people I have treated over the years with burns, both minor and severe." She told him. 

"You must have seen so much pain and suffering, sadness in the last twenty-five years..." He said out loud, the realisation hitting him, and rather hard.

She smiled a weak smile "Understatement...but with that...there's been a lot of joy and happy endings." 

 They were paying no attention to the cars passing by, lost in their own moment and displays of affections, as friends.

"There's a nice drive back into the city, do you feel up to it so we can grab some lunch?" He offered, "There's a really cool beach bar, I think you'll like! They make amazing drinks!"    

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