Ticket To Ride

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He patted the ring box nestled in his jacket pocket to make sure it was safe in there, and boy was he feeling the nerves beginning to set in.

What if she didn't like the ring? What if she said no? What if she didn't want to wear it? What if she took it the wrong way and he blew it? 

The ring in his pocket meant a lot to him, it used to be his Mother's. He had no idea but Cynthia had kept it even after she and his father had divorced when he was just only five. 

It was her wedding ring.

He would design Emmaline's engagement ring himself down the track when the time was right.

Emmaline was in their ensuite having her morning shower and getting ready. He was taking her to ride the cable car up to the top of Table Mountain and at the top awaited for her hopefully, a lovely, romantic surprise.

His phone had started to ring, breaking him from his thoughts and nervousness. 

Yoko was calling him.

He frowned, the time difference was six hours, it had to be midnight in New York City. Then he sighed in frustration and for a good moment, debated whether to answer the call.

Finally, he gave in. 

"Julian?" Came her voice.

"Hello Yoko, how are you?" He answered, politely.

"I'm good, I can't sleep!" She confessed.

"It's after midnight over there isn't it?" He asked, sitting down on the bed.

 "Yes, I tried everything to get to sleep but i just lay awake, staring at the ceiling in the darkness..." 

He checked his watch and heard the shower turn off, it was six in the morning, all he wanted to do was take Emmaline to the top of Table Mountain, but before that, he had a lovely breakfast planned at a lovely spot. 

The ring felt like it was burning a hole in his pocket thanks to his nervousness.

"So why call me?" He asked, straight to the point.

"Do you know when you might be in New York next?" She asked. "I saw a photo of you and Emmaline with some fans at an airport in Cape Town. Are you in Africa?"

"Yes, we're here for another two days and then we head up to Uganda for a week to help out a few villages with medical attention. Emmaline and a few other doctors are going to vaccinate the children of the villages and any adults that qualify for the vaccines that we have." He told her.

"Can you come to New York before you go home to Italy?" 

"I actually live with Emmaline in Australia now, but I'll see if we can get some flights when the week is up. Why do you want to meet her Yoko? You've never cared about me really or my past relationships!" He told her, straight to the point.

"She seems interesting, and well known!" Yoko piped up, finally after a few moments of silence.

"Oh... fuck off!" Julian snarled hanging up on his stepmother. He didn't care if Sean called him to tell him off. The witch just wanted to meet his Emmaline because she was a well known, successful doctor. 

The ensuite door opened and she stood in the doorway, ready for the day ahead. "You know, when I quit my job at the Brisbane Private, I was hoping it was the end of early starts, Mr Lennon!" She said playfully, not seeing his look of annoyance from the call he was just on. 

It took her seconds to notice.

"What's wrong, dear?" She asked, gently rubbing his shoulders, they were tense, and she could see the anger in his face and by his body language. 

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