With a Little Help From My Friends

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Julian gave Miss Mawko a good rub all over her furry body as soon as they got home. He was still counting down the days until he could bring his goofy Winston back to Australia, legally this time.

He knew he hit her 'sweet spot' as soon as her back right leg went straight back and her body went all stiff but the look of pure ecstasy on her face told it all.

"I gotta go help my sweetness," He told her. "Gotta be a gentleman and bring our luggage in!" 

"How about you put the kettle on and find the Tim Tams in the fridge!" Emmaline beamed as she rolled their bags in.

"Oh, those Australian choccie biccies I like so much?? Yes please!" He said, heading straight for the kitchen.

By the time he had the tea made, and the Tim Tams on a silver tray they headed out into the balcony to watch the world go by.

"Don't give her any biscuits!" Emmaline warned as she poured their tea.

"I know! They're covered in chocolate!" He said.

"She'll test you though! Darling, believe me! I know you're a dog owner too!" She told him.

As soon as he had grabbed a Tim Tam, Mawko sprung into action by putting her front paws up on Julian's legs, her tongue out, eyes as big as saucers and her butt and tail were wagging excitedly.

"I told you!" Emmaline said, "and once you tell her no and to get down she'll be a sneaky little devil and do ANYTHING to get one from the plate! You may own darling Winston my Julian, but you have MUCH to learn with my Miss Mawko!"

"No!" He said firmly "this is not for you, now down, Mawko!" He said firmly.

The Husky got down and howled in annoyance at him.

"Mawko!" Emmaline warned. "Nice try!"

The dog barked at her then trotted over to her pillow next to the railing of the verandah and settled down soaking up the sun.

"Have you heard how Harvey and Wolf are doing in Hawaii?" He asked, sipping his tea.

"He did tell me he and Wolf flew in yesterday, I told them to come round this afternoon so we can show them the camera in your amulet" 

"Darling, what if there's a camera in yours?" He asked, the idea coming to him.

She frowned "Julian, Till and Zosar gave me that bracelet for my fiftieth, why would they even notion the idea of spying on me?" 

"I know, but it was just a suggestion, things have been so unclear and muddled since my attack that day, it seems as if I was meant to be attacked and in turn meet you! There was an old hermit that took me across the river that warned me that 'bad omens' were coming and that no one ever listens to the river people." He said.

"You never told me about this Julian," She said, looking worriedly at him. "Do you remember what the hermit looked like?" 

He opened his mouth to answer when they heard Harvey knock on the door and straight after yell out. "KITTEN?? JULIAN??"

"Hold that thought, we'll tell Uncle Harvey and Wolf, and I'll get them to break open my amulet," she said, heading inside.

"I didn't mean to make you upset or worried Sweetness," he said, following.

"Julian, we have to get to the bottom of this!" She said, "Can you go and fetch my bracelet? It's on my vanity table in my jewellery box."  

He headed to their bedroom as she headed to the front door.

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