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Harvey sat down, Wolf by his side as he dialled The Almasi's number.

"The Almasi residence, who is speaking?" came the voice of a Middle Eastern man.

"Detective Harvey Gordon, can I speak with either Mr or Mrs Almasi please?" The detective answered confidently. 

"One moment, I will see if the Master or Lady are available."

"Any luck?" Wolf asked as Harvey had stopped talking.

"The servant is seeing if either of them are available," Harvey said.

His niece and Julian had almost packed everything she wanted to take over to Lake Como. Miss Mawko had had all of her shots; her microchip was valid, and she had passed her rabies titer test and the twenty-one days was almost up. She flew out of Brisbane with Emmaline and Julian the next morning.

Finally, someone came onto the line "Good Evening Detective"

"Evening Tilly," Harvey said as calmly as he could "I was wondering if we might have a word?"

"Oh? Whatever about?" 

"The Canopic jars Tilly, the ones Robert stole from your Father in law," He said straight to the point.

"Oh. Those!" She said, "One Moment, Detective!" 

"Hello Harvey, you and Robert go way back, don't you?" 

"We do Zosar, we did." Harvey said, "and I would like to right a wrong of his doing. I can bring those jars back to you."

"And what do you want in return?" 

"You leave Emmaline and Julian alone, that's all I ask," He said.

 "That's a lot to ask Detective," Zosar said.

"Not really, you get those Canopic jars back and in return you let my niece live in peace and safety," Harvey said. 

"And do you think, that it is as easy as that?" Zosar asked.

"Zosar, I could have you taken out completely!" Harvey growled, "and you know it! Don't think that Emmaline will be forgiving Tilly anytime soon. Her whole world has been turned upside down and inside out..."

"And what?" Zosar interrupted "do they think they will live happily ever after? I know where he lives in Italy Detective." 

"Almasi, WHAT is it going to take??" Harvey growled.

"Oh, I hear fear and desperation in the great Harvey Gordon's voice!" Zosar said, calmly. "You can give those jars back as they rightfully belong to me, but other than that I will not promise anything in regards to your sweet little 'Kitten' and her famous fucking boyfriend!"

 The line went dead.

 The line went dead

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