Do You Want To Know A Secret

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Hi everyone, if you haven't already noticed I did tweak my story description a little bit! Let me know what you think, oh and warnings are in place. This story may shock, surprise, devastate you and by the end make you ask me "why?!?'' 

On a happier note, the above photo IS an actual High Tea (the savoury plate is out of shot but the scones are underneath the top plate) at the luxurious Stamford Plaza Hotel right here in Brisbane, in the chapter Harvey describes the top plate in detail, see if you can match the delicacies described to the photo! Extra points if you do!

Now with that said and done, on with the chapter! And thank you always for reading, comments and votes are much appreciated!

Mark waited for Amelia patiently.

When she finally came into the visitation room he sighed in relief.

"Boy did I pull a stunt!?" She marvelled in her own cunningness. 

"Yes, and what happened? You go straight back to my sister's place and get caught!" He growled "Don't look so pleased with yourself! Get on the wrong side of the Almasi's ESPECIALLY him, and we'll both end up in prison or worse...DEAD! And by the way, your so-called friends will leave you high and dry one day and you won't have anyone to turn to, to get you out of whatever situation you've got yourself into! Who did you pay this time?"

Amelia grinned "the Lady Taweret!"

"Oh my God, you didn't??" He said, feeling a sense of dread in the pit of his stomach.

Despite everything that she'd done and said, he would always love her.

"I can bail you out, but if I do you MUST promise me, this shit with my sister STOPS!" He laid down his rules.

"Shit?" She repeated, sitting across from him. "This fucking prison is a nightmare!"

The prison was called Brisbane Correctional Centre. 

"Good!" He snapped "teach you a bloody lesson, don't EVER call upon Lady Taweret's services again, the last thing I want or need is for us to have an unpaid debt to her that we cannot pay! You KNOW just what she is capable of!! And leave my sister alone! Get over it!"  

"Get over it??" She screeched.

He stood up "Harvey said that you and Damien are up for a minimum of 3 years, he's actually up for a possible 14! Leave my sister alone otherwise, I leave you in here!"

"Wait! Mark...Wait! I promise!" She cried.

"Prove it!" He said.


"Prove to me you will keep your word and leave Emmaline alone!" He said. 

"How do I do that?" She asked.

 He had pulled out his phone. "I'm going to call my sister now, and you are going to fully apologise to her and tell her that you will NEVER pull a stunt like this AGAIN! AND that you will give her your word that you will leave her alone!"

"Would it be better if I did it face to face?" She asked, biting her lip.

"No, because Julian, would probably attempt to rip you to pieces! Your little stunt back home on New Year's Eve was something! But to then pay some slob, to slash her face in the middle of the Brisbane CDB, I should leave you right now for it!" 

"And why don't you, Mark Hatchford?" She asked as they released her, the bail amount was one to cringe about. "Are you going to leave me? Be the big hero and leave the evil blonde wife?" 

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