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The week in Uganda seemed to absolutely fly.

Julian stirred from their last night's sleep in the makeshift tent and mosquito nets over their beds to whisper soft kisses on his cheek.

A smile crept over his lips and a soft moan escaped.

"Mr Lennon? Are you going to sleep all day or are you going to see the new pump finally installed working, that will now supply fresh water to the village?" Emmaline whispered in his ear.

He opened his eyes to see her smiling down at him as she lay on his bed with him, her arm over his chest. 

"Just five more minutes, Dr Hatchford!" He whispered back, closing his eyes again.

She smiled and whispered something naughty in his ear which caused his eyes to snap open.

"Oh, don't you tempt me, woman!" He said to her, the love and lust strong and primal in his eyes.

"I always keep to my promises, Julian!" She said.

"Not here though!" He said, "otherwise the mosquitoes will eat us alive!"

"Not here darling, when we get home, and in private! We're here for The White Feather Foundation!" She told him. "Now, do you want to see that pump working or not??"


"I thought you two were early risers?" Tom grinned with his arms crossed as they joined him.

"We normally are!" Emmaline said, nudging Julian. "But someone wanted just 'five more minutes'!" 

Tom laughed as Amanda, Julian's personal assistant for the White Feather Foundation came up to them. "Julian! You're finally here! But late but, the pump is ready for it's 'christening' and we'd like you to be the one to test it out! Morning Dr Hatchford!" She said to Emmaline.

Julian went over to the brand new pump, where a group had gathered around, excitedly.

"Amanda, please, call me Emmaline!" She said to the assistant.

"I never thought he'd ever find anyone, doctor!" She said. "But I am so glad he met you! He is so happy since you have come into his life! He NEVER stops talking about you!"

Emmaline smiled at the younger woman, "I'm flattered Amanda, I really am!"

"On behalf of The White Feather Foundation," Julian began, gaining everyone's attention. "Finally, this village has clean, drinking water, and with the team of doctors, the children not only from this village but two others have been successfully inoculated, so without further ado!"

He smiled and began to pump the handle, and within moments water was spurting into a bucket which had been placed on the ground.

Everyone burst into applause, Emmaline noticed the way Amanda was beaming at her boss, and she saw something.

"He's motioning for you Amanda," She told the assistant.

"Oh! Sorry! Thanks!" She said, going over to him.

"We did it Manda!" he said, kissing her cheek "We're making a difference! You've been with me since the beginning! Well, smile!" 

The White feather Foundation team posed for a happy photo which would be used on the charity's social media platforms.

Tom was standing beside her now. "Do you see it too?" He asked. "Someone's got feeling for her boss! And has for a while! Are you the jealous type?"  

"I've never been put in this situation before, Tom, but I know my Julian," she told actor, her arms crossed. 

"Ah but how well do you know Amanda?" He asked. 

"That shouldn't matter, I trust Julian, I love him!" She said, then she realised what words had just come out of her mouth.

Tom was bear hugging her before he knew it which caused everyone from Unicef, World Vision and The White Feather Foundation to turn and look.

"And does HE know this??" He pressed, grinning from ear to ear.

"Ah, no Hiddleston! But he may well now since everyone is staring!" She told him.

Tom smiled and said "well be the one to tell him! Don't wait for the man to say it first! What's the bet as soon as you say it, he'll say it back!"  

Julina finally finished with everything and had joined Tom and Emmaline. "So, what's got you two so happy?"

 Tom grinned stupidly.

"Julian darling, I have something planned for you! Would you join me?" She said, holding out her hand.

He eyed the actor and then gave his attention to his Emmaline. "All right, I would love to join you!"   

The jeep took them out of the village. "Got your camera, Mr Lennon?" 

"I do, but what are you planning, Dr Hatchford?" He asked her.

"The perfect opportunity for a new exhibit!" She told him.

"Oh," he said, trying not to sound disappointed. 

"What's wrong?"

"What made Tom so happy he bear hugged you? What were you talking about?"

The jeep stopped, near a waterhole where there were wildebeest, elephants and hippos.

"Hippos!" He said, alarmed.

"Stay in the jeep and they won't hurt you," She told him. "And what Tom and I were talking about was the fact that Amanda is rather fond of you, and he asked whether I was the jealous type."

"And are you the jealous type?" He asked.

"Not if I trust my man completely," she told him.

"Let's get a little closer to the animals but not too close to the hippos!" He said, taking her hand.

As they headed over to a safe spot their guide had approved of, she smiled at him, happy just being in his company.

He took some shots of the elephants, adjusting his angle and lens to capture the yawning hippos lounging in the water.

She gently rubbed his back, he loved having his back rubbed.

"You realise you'll have to keep doing that now you've started?" He grinned, taking some shots of all the animals.

"I love you, Julian," she said softly.

The shot he had set up to take ended up being a blur.

"You...what?" He stammered, wanting to know he had heard her correctly.

She smiled and kissed him, gently clutching his camera in case he happened to drop it in shock.

"I said I love you John Charles Julian Lennon!" She repeated.

"Emmaline Mary Elizabeth Hatchford, you have made me the happiest man alive!" He sobbed. "I love you! I love you so much!"

Everything seemed to pale into insignificance as the couple shared a passionate kiss under the shade of the trees around the local wildlife of Uganda.

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