Any Time At All

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Julian unlocked the front door of Emmaline's home to be greeted by Mawko and Winston.

"Hey, you two!" He greeted them cheerfully. "Winston, my boy, I gotta send you home, but only for six months, then I promise I will bring you back, I want to stay here in Brisbane, and I want you with me!" He then smiled at Mawko. "Besides, looks like we both might have found the love of our lives!" 

She edged forward, and he gave her his affections.

Winston's travel carrier was ready.

"You really are a classy lady, Miss Mawko!" He said to the Husky.

"Sentimental!" Came a familiar, sickly, sweet voice. "It's a dog, you moron!"

Mawko's fur stood rigid on her neck and down her back, and a blood-curdling howl erupted from deep in her chest up into her throat. 

"She's family, you..."

"Amelia Hatchford!" Came a strong female voice, "Get out of my best friend's home and do yourself a favour, turn yourself in!" 

Julian didn't have the slightest clue who the woman in the door was.

"Mr Julian Lennon? So nice to finally meet you! I'm Mrs Tilly Almasi! I'm Dr Emmaline's best friend, have been since we were five! You're not hurt, are you? The dogs? Are they fine? My Emmy adores her Miss Mawko, heaven forbid anything happens to that Husky!" She said to John's son. 

"I'm fine, Mrs Almasi, thank you! The dogs are fine too!" He said, breathing heavily.

"Oh please, call me Tilly, I insist!" She said, smiling. 

Mia was looking around nervously almost like she was formulating a plan for escape.

"Don't even think about it, Amelia!" Came a powerful, Egyptian voice.

Zosar Almasi, one of the most powerful men in all of Egypt stood in the doorway. He knew middle eastern royalty, rubbing shoulders with Sultans, Princes, and Kings.

The petite blonde surrendered.

"My! For once you're actually using your brain, Amelia!" Tilly said as two police officers came in to arrest her. 

"Zosar," Mia said politely as she was handcuffed and taken out of Emmaline's house.

"That airhead does NOT know when to give up does she??" Tilly said, attempting to lighten the mood.

Julian chuckled, he felt at ease around Tilly. 

"I'm sorry Julian..." She apologised "both you and my Emmy have been through enough! Oh, where are my manners, Julian, this is my husband, Mr Zosar Almasi!" 

Julian shook hands with the handsome Egyptian and then gently kissed the back of Tilly's hand. "Thank you! Both of you! Your timing is impeccable, thank you!" 

"Emmy's uncle Harvey gave me a call after he found out Mia was behind it all" Tilly told him.

"But we decided to make time and come back to spend some proper time with her!" Zosar added.

"How did Amelia get out? She was under arrest, Harvey said!" Julian asked. "What if Emmaline was home??"

"When angry, Emmaline can actually be quite a powerful opponent Julian, she was caught off guard in Lennon's Restaurant" Tilly began "Julian, Amelia has always been jealous of Emmaline! And although Zosar is powerful..."

"That's right! Emmaline said that he is one of the most powerful men in Egypt! All he should have to do is get it through her head to leave Emmaline alone! Zosar, that is all I ask!" Julian said.    

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