Photograph Smile

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"Justin! Mate!" Julian cried happily as they engulfed each other in a massive bear hug. "You don't know how happy I am to see you!"

"It's been too long, I think I have a fair idea!" Came his best friend's response.

"So, Christmas in London?" Julian hinted "what are the plans?"

"Absolute luxury!" Justin grinned as a stunning Rolls Royce pulled up in front of them. "Ever stayed at The Ritz in London? Well, you and I are now!"

"Bull!" Julian growled in disbelief as the chauffeur put their bags into the car and the proceeded to open the door for them.

"Gentlemen, if you may," he said professionally, as he watched the two men slide into the luxurious car.

"I know it's frivolous and probably over the top Jules" Justin began as the Rolls cruised along, earning glares from people.

"It's perfect Justin! it's just what I need!" Julian said happily.

"You've had a rough trot since your trip to Egypt, I know Mate," Justin said as he gazed at his best friend, he had known this man sitting beside him since they were just a tender age of ten.

"So are we just sharing a room?" Julian asked, watching London whizzing by.

"Pfft! Sharing a room?" Justin boasted "try the most expensive suite they have, there's a sitting for Christmas lunch and a charity event that night, I got us two seats at one of the tables!" 

"I don't have to sing, do I? You didn't rope us into to performing?" Julian almost whined. "It's Christmas, mate!"  

"No, we're not the entertainment, Jules!" Justin reassured. "It's a gala dinner and ball for the British Heart Foundation"    

"So it's a pretty big event?" 

"Black tie, best behaviour! But I'm bloody having all the trimmings! I'm hangin' for a cigar from The Ritz!" Justin said as they neared the hotel.

"Is there other plans besides being treated like royalty over Christmas?" Julian asked.

"Sure! Whatever you want to do in London! The markets maybe? But first things first! We gotta get a Christmas selfie!" Justin said, pulling his best friend in close then with his phone he snapped the perfect photo of them together.

"Any chance you could help me with a lady?" Julian asked.

"What? You old dog! Have you met someone??" Justin grinned, play punching his best friend.

"I have yes, but I'm not sure she knows of my feelings" Julian admitted. 

"Find a little something at the markets and send it on to her!" Justin said with a wink.

"I don't have any personal contact details, mate!" Julian confessed.

"What?? Why the hell not?" Justin demanded, "Who is she? Some foreign princess??"

"She was my Doctor, whilst I was hospitalised in Egypt" Julian confessed. "I follow her account on Instagram and she follows the White Feather Foundation account but that's about it!" 

"Oh, that's Dr Emmaline Hatchford right?" He asked, pointing his finger at Julian.

"Yes! How do you know her??" 

"She's only one of the best Doctors in Australia, Julian Lennon! I know she works at the Wesley Hospital in Brisbane and also at the Brisbane Private Hospital!" 

"How do you know more than me?" He demanded.

"I did my research, you dingbat!" He snapped back.

  "Gentlemen?" The chauffeur said politely as he opened the back passenger door. "Welcome to The Ritz Hotel here in London"

"Thank you!" Julian said as he and Justin headed to the reception desk.

"Oh 'ello! She's a bit of alright, ain't she?" Justin said, noticing a woman walking to the lifts with a group of men. 

"Don't wolf whistle or make cat calls!" Julian warned. "Get us kicked out of here even before we can check in!"  

"I'm not THAT much of a pig you know??" He snapped as they checked in.

"There you are gentlemen, two nights in the stunning Prince of Wales Suite, there is twenty-four-hour butler service and you have seating at our annual Christmas lunch and also at the gala dinner for the British Heart Foundation, Christmas night. Please enjoy your stay here with us!" 


She wandered through the Winter Wonderland Angel's Market in amazement. Two hundred fairy-lit Bavarian style wooden chalets were at her fingertips.

"You look like you're not used to London weather, dear," A lovely grey haired lady said from a lovely looking jewellery stall.

"That's because I'm Australian," She said. "My Christmases are not white! They are stinking hot, and usually celebrated in the comfort of an air-conditioned dining room! What jewellery are you selling?"

"All hand made silver pieces dear, do you have anything you like in particular? You look familiar, dear...have I seen you somewhere?"

"I am well known, where I'm from and Egypt where I work every year," She told her.

 " amazing Dr Hatchford? Emmaline right?" She queried.

Emmaline smiled "yes, that's me! I really like, the horse pendant, may I have a look?" 

"Of course dear! What brings you over here?" She had handed Emmaline the necklace.

"I've been invited to the British Heart Foundation Gala Dinner over at the Ritz tomorrow night," she told the old lady.

"I heard you saved our very own Julian Lennon?" She enquired as Emmaline tried the necklace on, and proceeded to examine herself in the mirror, to see what it looked like and whether she wanted to buy it or not.

"Are you aware of the story?" Emmaline asked, pulling out the correct amount of cash to purchase the necklace.

"How did he survive such a horrific attack?" She asked, putting the money into her cash box.

"Well, the hippo didn't actually destroy any of his organs, thankfully. It's been a week since he was discharged and I hear he is doing okay."

"Did you actually save him from the hippo, Doctor?" 

A few people had gotten whiff of the conversation and were starting to gather.

"No, I was working at the Cleopatra Hospital where he was admitted, he became one of my patients and I helped him through his recovery," she said. 

"But surely that has to scar him somehow?" She asked. "Do you keep in touch with him?" 

"He is not my patient anymore, I wish him all the best with everything! And I wish you a very Happy Christmas!" 

"And to you my dear, Happy Christmas, Doctor!" 


Julian and Justin wandered through the markets enjoying everything that was on offer.

Justin was currently feeding his face with something he bought from one of the vendors. Julian walked beside him, with his brand new camera in his gloved hands and his walking stick on his arm. 

It was cold.

"You know, I've never known someone to eat so bloody much!" Julian observed as he happily took a couple of shots here and there of the vendors and the atmosphere in general.  

"Meh! You love me!" He just said, batting his eyelashes.

"Unfortunately Justin Clayton, unfortunately!"

Before Justin could bite back, someone had slipped their arm around Julian's.

"Excuse me!?" He began but abruptly shut his mouth when he saw who it was. 

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