Day After Day

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"Good evening, Julian!" Dr Hatchford greeted her patient as she came into his room.

He had been in the Cleopatra Hospital for almost a month now.

"Evening Doctor," He said happily, between his brother and his attractive doctor, his time in hospital hadn't been all that bad.

He still had his moments, sometimes being a downright grump, testing poor Emmaline to her limits.

"Sorry Julian, I've been trying to get up to see you all day but it's been a hectic day!" She apologised as she checked his chart. "And you've still got quite a few paparazzi and news cameras outside the hospital as well! Have you had a chance to inform your fans what's going on?"

"I haven't really been in the mood, to be honest," he told her straight. "Why? What have you heard or seen?"

"Don't bring me into this, Mr Lennon!" She backed off.

"Why?" He challenged. "You started it!" 

She mustered the most genuine smile that she possibly could, put his chart back at the foot of his bed and came round to his side.

"You must feel so cooped up in this hospital and so far from home" She genuinely did feel sorry for him, he was such a lovely man.

He didn't answer her, so she put the side down on his bed and grabbed his crutches. 

"I'm just about to knock off, how about we get you up and out of bed and I'll take you for a bit of a walk outside to get you some fresh air?" She offered.

"I'm feeling really tired..." he faked, acting like he was exhausted and really struggling "can you get me a wheelchair?"

She eyed him. All the other nurses fussed over him and coddled him too much which she knew was making her job so much harder.

She put the side on his bed back up.

"What are you doing??" He asked, in shock. He usually had everyone wrapped around his little finger but not his doctor, not Emmaline.

"Obviously you have really tired today Mr Lennon, I must have heard you wrong this past week when I know for a fact that you are dying to get out of here and CAN very well walk with your crutches! Oh well! One step at a time...I'll be back in the morning to check up on you..."

"Doctor, wait!" He called as she headed to the door. "I can walk with my crutches and I will do ANYTHING to get out of this hospital for just a little while! Even the gardens! Please, Doctor, please?"

"Oh, only if you are sure you can, Mr Lennon?" She asked him, to make sure.

"One hundred per cent sure Doctor and please, won't you call me Julian?" He answered her "it's been a month!" 

She smiled and came back over to him, put the side back down for a second time, unhooked him from his drip and handed him his crutches.

Together they got him up and slowly they headed out of his room.

"I can't tell you how good this feels!" He said as he hobbled along.

She remained close, making sure he didn't fall. "Everything is healing nicely Julian!" She said with a smile. "It may not seem like it but, trust me it is!" 

"Is there light at the end of the tunnel?" He asked her. "Is there maybe a discharge date on the horizon?"

"I was really hoping in the next fourteen days, Julian," She told him. "Your bumps and cuts have healed, it's now just your ankle and your side. Once you can put a lot more weight on your left ankle, I do recommend a strong, and sturdy walking stick, it may seem unnecessary and uncool, but it will aid in your walking and with your balance, especially with your healing wound as well!" 

They had by now reached the doors to the garden and as soon as she had pushed the doors open the hot night, desert air of Cairo hit them.

"Jesus Christ!" He cursed.        

 She grinned at his outburst. "Makes you appreciate the air conditioning so much more doesn't it?"

"It really does!" He agreed as they headed over to a set of table and chairs.

Once they had sat down, he sat back and breathed in the air of the night, gazing up at the stars trying to glitter in the sky.

"If you head up to Alexandria, at night, the stars glitter and shine like diamonds!" She suggested.

"I can tell you now, Doctor, the stars are much more beautiful and shine much brighter back home at Lake Como!" He told her.

 She intertwined her hands in front of her. 

"I normally wouldn't do this Julian" She began "but want to play twenty questions?" 

He looked surprised but then a smile came creeping over his lips. "Who will start then?" 

"Up to you Mr Lennon!" She said

He offered his hands to her "shoot!"

She grinned "your birth date and year?" 

"Eighth of April, 1963, so I am fifty-five years old this year. Right! My turn! Are you married?"

"No, I am not Julian" She answered, gazing at him. He was very handsome. "Are you in a relationship?"

"I am completely single," he told her. 

"A catch like you Julian?" She questioned. "How is that even possible?"

"I'm going to answer your question with a question" he began "and how is that possible with you? I am going to be very bold here and say right now, you are one of the most beautiful women, I have ever laid eyes on, Doctor!"

"Julian, you flatter me!" She said.

"Where in Australia are you from, Doctor?" He asked. 

"I'm from Brisbane," she told him.

"Forget twenty questions! Tell me everything!" He told her. "And stop playing hard to get!"

 "Julian!" She reprimanded him. "I am your Doctor and you are my patient!"

"It's the Morphine!" He came back with.

"Oh, you are such a ratbag!" She managed.

"I get it from Dad, I'm told!" 

"Mr John Lennon, I believe" 

"Believe it cause it's completely true! When is your birthdate and year?" 

 She was hesitant to tell him to begin with and he noticed it immediately.

"No fair! I told you mine!!" He growled playfully, a finger pointed.

"Fine! You win! You do have a point! It is the first of December, 1966" She said naturally.

"See? That wasn't so hard was it?" He asked, a touch of triumph in his voice.

"No, of course, it wasn't!" She told him, then she checked her watch and gave him a look.

He recognised it immediately. "Oh no, Doctor...just five more minutes! Please??"

"I'd love to Julian but I've been working for nearly twelve hours and I really need some sleep!" She told him, helping him up.

He gave in, she looked exhausted and run off her feet.

As they headed back to his room he turned to her. "Can you remind me of the date please Emmaline?" He asked.

 She helped him get back into his bed, hooked him back up to his drip, put his crutches out of the way, and made him comfortable, then headed to the door.

As she reached the open doorway his voice stopped her "a very happy fifty-third birthday sweet Emmaline!"   

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