the search

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-(Y/N) POV-
We were fighting our way through the war zone to the ruins of a city. When we got there we were covered in blood. I sighed. "Dammit. I liked these clothes." Lancelot nodded in agreement. Arthur smiled. "At least we're in the city." We nodded. I made us new clothes. I made us all black suits, so me looked like spies from a James bond movie. We went into an abandoned building and changed. Lancelot, and Arthur had their swords on their waists. I noticed Arthur had two swords on his waist. "I thought you only had one sword Arthur." "No I use one sword at a time, one is a holy sword, and the other is a demonic sword. I can use the holy sword because it was made specifically for me." I nodded.

" I nodded

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"Anything I should know about your swords Lancelot?" He nodded

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"Anything I should know about your swords Lancelot?" He nodded. "Two are holy, two are demonic, two are both, but they all look the same. I can use them for the same reason as Arthur." I nodded.

We started walking through the city

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We started walking through the city. "Be on the look out for an elf girl, Akash, and a boy with with claws on the back of his hands, Arashi." They nodded. We split up, and started looking. I went down a familiar alley. "Arashi, Akash, you here?" I heard someone groaning. "You guys had better not be doing it back here." I walked deeper into the alley. I looked behind an old dumpster to find Arashi with a tanto in his gut. "Arashi!" I kneeled beside him. I thought hard. "Umm... umm.... I got it! This is gonna hurt! Revert!" The tanto came out, and the wound was completely gone, no scar, no blood, nothing. Arashi was still groaning in pain. "Fucking hell gear head! That hurt... Akash! Where is she?!" "She's not here. I'll help you find her. My friends are looking right now." He nodded. "How can I help?" "Use your storm magic to make magic rain, and feel for her aura." "I'm not strong enough." "I'll make you strong enough. Just accept." He nodded. I shoved the bishop peice in his chest. "I claim you, Arashi Kaito, as my bishop. Serve me well, and I shall treat you well." "I accept your claim." He glowed. "Now find your mate." He raised his hand to the sky. "Storm location." It started raining. "Good job bud. Let me enhance you." I put my hand on his shoulder then our eyes started glowing, and it started getting windy. "Enhanced storm location."

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