Mammon... or not

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-(Y/N) POV-
I woke up with all my girls around me. I smiled, and quietly got out of bed, then went to the kitchen. I was making breakfast for everyone when Sirzechs, and Ajuka appeared. "No, please don't use the front door. I love it when you appear in my home, unannounced." I said sarcastically, and they chuckled. Sirzechs smiled. "Well good morning to you as Well, (Y/N)." Ajuka nodded. I sighed. "What do you guys need?" Ajuka spoke. "We want you to become a Satan." I laughed. "Hard pass." "You'd get your own territory, and you'd get paid 8 million a month, in legal money." I put on a fake offended look, and gasped. "Are you accusing me of forging money? Because I can assure you, I have done no such thing." He scoffed. "Then what do you call creating money from nothing?" "Getting paid by the universe. You guys want some French toast?" "Not legal if the money isn't from the government, and no." I sighed. "Fine, I'll do it, but I choose my work load." They laughed. "That isn't gonna happen, trust us." Sirzechs said. "Then can I at least set up my branch of the government how I want?" They nodded. "That's fair." I nodded. "What will my title be?" Ajuka answered. "You will be Mammon, and you will be the treasurer." I nodded. "Oh I got this. 2 million bucks, and another set of evil pieces says I can run my department more efficiently then each of yours." They looked at each other then at me. "Deal." I grinned. "When's the ceremony?" "At 8 o'clock."

A red haired boy walked in, and sat down at the table. "Morning little red." He sighed. "Stop calling me that. Good morning." I gave him some French toast. "Who's this?" Sirzechs asked. "I'm Akumo, son of-" I covered his mouth. "He's the son of a friend." They nodded slowly. "Ok well, we have to go prepare." They left. I smacked the back of Akumo's head. "Don't tell anyone your the son of great red idiot! You'll get sealed, and our mom will kill me." He nodded. "Who is our mom?" "When you can last 30 minutes against me I'll tell you." He sighed. "So what were you guys talking about?" I sighed. "I'm becoming a great Satan." "I thought there was only 4?" I chuckled. "When you can overpower the leader of the Satan's, they make exceptions." He nodded, and started eating. The others walked in, and I gave them all plates. "No school today guys, we gotta get ready." They looked at me confused. Arthur spoke. "Ready for what?" "Their making me a great Satan." They nodded.

Chi started panicking. "What will we wear?! We only have the academy uniform, and our battle clothes!" "I can make a mansion from nothing, I can make you clothes. Just tell me what you need." He calmed down. "Ok. Me, and Haku need black kimono's." I nodded, and made them. I looked at the rest of them. "You guys need stuff?" Arthur nodded. "A black suit with gold lining for me, and a completely black suit for Lancelot." I nodded, and made them. Akash was next. "A black dress for me, and a blue suit for Arashi." I made them. The twins both said. "Knee length lacy white dresses." I nodded, and made them. Jin went next. "A red suit for me." Then Emily. "A knee length dark blue dress." I made them both. Then kota spoke. "Black and white suits for me and jack, and purple dresses for jazzy, and Coco." I made them. Then Kinana, and Mila. "Dark red lacy ankle length dresses." I made them, then looked at Akumo. "What about you?" He looked up. "Do I have to go?" I nodded. "I didn't beg Ajuka for and extra pawn peice for nothing. You're a part of this family." He smiled a tiny bit, but sighed. "Fine make me a dark red suit with a black button up." I made them. I looked to Rias and my other girlfriends. "You guys need clothes?" They shook their heads. I nodded. "Ok, I'm gonna go make myself a suit." I walked off.
I sat at my desk, and made myself a suit.

 I sat at my desk, and made myself a suit

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