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Learning to pray step by step

Some things you need to do in order to properly pursue prayer.

Finding a place to pray

Praying is a staple act in christianity. In order to pray one must first find a nice,quiet, solitary place,where there is no one else to bother you before and during your prayer. Once you have found an area where no one can see or hear you, you get down on your knees, close your eyes,put the palms of your hands together or grasp them together, and speaking aloud(or whispering), make your requests known to God. I will not explain the depth of the experience to you: this is done in honor to God, your experience here is your own.

Who to pray to?

Now this is very important and needs to be understood clearly: the only name you should ever pray in as a christian is the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no other name to pray in. If you're religious and have been taught otherwise, I cannot account for your teaching, but just know that you should only ever pray to the Lord Jesus Christ. As I said before, I require you to trust me and do what I say: it is for your benefit. Address whatever you need to say to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Prayer tips

The next thing to note is that there is no standard format of prayer;it is important that you keep your prayers original, as in, you made this prayer up in your own mind & they are your own words. It will feel far more natural to you to keep your prayers original. Remember to try not to say in a hundred words what can be said in three; whatever you think to pray, that is up to you to decide if you can regard that instruction. Your prayers will most likely develop with time so long as you keep it original to you. How long and how much you pray is up to what you propose to do. Never stop praying: you must pray everyday and it is very important that you remember to pray everyday. My suggestion is that you pray once in the morning when you get out of bed and once at night when you are going to bed. Make use of whatever convenient time you typically get within the day. Encorporate prayer into every aspect of your life; Pray for everything that you do.

Power of prayer

If you can hold your faith, prayer is a powerful tool of life that should not only be used for your own, but everyone's benefit. If you have the faith you can accomplish anything you have set yourself to do so long as you ask for it; put the thought in first, believe in your heart, and pray. Strengthen your faith through prayer. God answers prayer, so never be dismayed or disheartened.

If you believe that you will attain what you ask for, you will get it.
Remember to fight down any doubt.
Engage in the exercise and you will be comfortable in the experience. Keep praying.

Key points

•Find a quiet place to be alone

•Kneel,close your eyes, put your hands together and speak outwardly.

•Only pray to the Lord Jesus Christ

•Keep it original

•Pray everyday

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