Chapter 1 - An unknown energy signicture

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The Decepticons hadn't attacked the Autobots in a while so the Autobots were with their human friends in the base.
Bumblebee was with Raf, who was with Jack and they were on Raf's laptop looking at images on a alien sightings website. Bulkhead was with Miko, who was playing some tunes on her electric guitar. Arcee and Optimus was stacking some Energon cubes near the med bay.

While the team were doing this, Ratchet was on the bases computer, scanning the area. Suddenly, an energy signature, appeared on the screen, a few miles away from the base. However, Ratchet did not recognise this energy signature. "Optimus, I'm detecting an unknown energy signature located a few miles from here" Ratchet said. This made all the Autobots walk behind him while the three human kids walk onto the balcony with the yellow sofa and TV. "That's a powerful energy reading" Bulkhead whistled. "Is it Energon?" Jack asked. "No, it's not recognisable so in theory, it could be an escape pod" Ratchet replied. "If that's true, a new member could join team prime!" Miko shouted excitedly. "That's if there Autobot" Arcee stated. "And I did say 'could be" Ratchet said.
Bumblebee then beeped a sentence. "Your right there" Arcee said. "What'd he say?" Miko asked Raf, bending down slightly. "He said, if the decepticons discovered it, they might inflict some damage" Raf replied, repeating Bumblebee's sentence.

"We cannot afford, the decepticons from obtaining this reading" Optimus said sternly. "Ratchet activate the ground bridge" Optimus ordered. Ratchet typed in the coordinates to the sight and pulled down a lever, activating the ground bridge.  Optimus stood at the front of the group. "Autobots, transform and roll out!" Optimus said. All of them, apart from Ratchet transformed into their vehicle mode and drove through the ground bridge.

Unknown energy signature (Transformers Prime And Doctor Who Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now