15. Interrogation- part 2

Start from the beginning

"I guess it's on to the next section then," He unlocked my handcuffs.

"Now we are on to the physical segment..." (AN: All sick minded people NOT IN THAT WAY!!!)

Easy enough. Now I'll just have to hold back and not transform into Igetis, or show past scars (that I will forever have no matter what form I'm in)...

Steve's POV (AN: Sorry that I'm changing it so much)

"First of all you have to run 3 miles as fast as you can."

"Okay." He smirked as he got on the treadmill and started running as fast as me if not faster. When he was done I looked at the timer.

0:13:26! Wow. My time is around 15 minutes. and I'm in a way 'superhuman' because of the serum.

"Next" He said impatiently.

"Oh yes... the shooting range is over here"

He picked up each gun, examined them and then put them down again.

"You will be shooting at a 15m distance then 10m and then 5m. Try each gun shoot 3 times for each gun and each distance. Only shoot once for each target so we can see your accuracy."


He picked up the first gun a 9mm handgun standard, then the Freedom Arms Model 83, Ruger Blackhawk, the Ruger Mark I, AK 47, Shotgun (the Merkel Model 2001EL), Sniper Rifle and the Jarret Signature Rifle, the Winchester model 70, the Parker (AN: Can I just point out that these are all real guns, just saying.); shooting all of them from the 3 distances, 3 times (9 shots per gun; one on each target to get an accurate view of the shot).

As I focused on him he seemed so relaxed and didn't get thrown around by the resultant force of the guns. He knew how to absorb the shock and also he looked comfortable, that means he has fired plenty guns before. Shocking me even more is when all the targets came in... bulls eye on all of them apart from few which were a couple millimetres off.

"What now?" He asked looking pleased.

"Umm... Next is the archery range..."

"Oh no" I heard him mumble, I wonder why archery is a bad thing? "He can't shoot to save his life" Annabeth stated in my ear. Once we got there he looked at the variety of bows and crossbows. He ended up picking a recurve bow , a pyramid bow (flat bow) and a crossbow. He chose the latter first.

He took his stance which had no flaws and let the arrow engrave itself into the bullseye 10 meters away, let's just say he got all 9 bullseyes from 10 meters. Are you sure you are talking about the right person Annabeth. He set down the pyramid bow and walked over to the boxing ring.

"I guess we are doing hand to hand combat next" He asked with a mad (AN:like madness) glint in his eyes.


"Who am I up against?"


"I already beat you though!" He whined. In the meantime we had been talking we got into the ring
I took the first swing but he expected it and ducked.

We went back and forth, I only managed to land few hits on him and they didn't seem to have much effect while he got in hit after hit and in minutes I was pinned to the floor.

"As I said I already beat you" He whispered to me and therefore the rest of the team.

"Now!" I said into my earpiece, signalling for the martial arts experts to enter and complete his next test. I felt him getting yanked off of me. When I stood I saw he had been thrown into one of the rings posts.

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