Where am i?

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Yeri's POV
"HELLO!" I screamed as tears stream my face " where am I?" I mumble " welcome yeri" someone said " who are you?" I said " call me chip..." the guy said " chip?" I said as I laughed " yah! For now but!" He said " sorry, you you just reminding of a a joke of a chi-" " can we stop talking about the name!" He said " jinja mianeh..( really sorry)" I said " anyways, we are working against your family, but it's sad that they don't know that you are alive and I will make them suffer like how they made me suf-" " can you just get to the point....." I said completely annoyed " *clears throat* from know on you will stay with us because we want your family to know how they feel if we stole someone from them..." chip said and smirked that it made run shivers down my spine " w-wae?" I asked " I don't even my bosses boss that everyone calls him the big boss told the guy boss which is-" " he told him what?" I said again annoyed "he sended me to take you away from the hospital, and tell the doctor that I am your friend and I told them to tell your sibling, cousin, and their friends that you died.." he said looking down " so you are-" " no I am not a bad guy!" Chip said and I nodded.
" I may actually help you from this place like not to get you out of this place or I will get killed" chip said unleashing me from the chair " and how are you going to do that?, and don't tie it too tight the next time!" I asked and said while rubbing the both of my hands " mianeh, i will change some rules here so you would know that I am not a bad guy!" He said " well what are the rules are you going to change?" I asked " easy, for example i there is this rule that we keep you with the same of the clothes you are wearing now-" " EW!" I said " but I will go buy you clothes and you have to tell me your size!" He said " but..." I said " but what?" Chip asked " but what about my underclothes?( a/n I know nobody calls it that sorry)" I asked " ohh don't worry about that, I have a umm..." he said looking down " you want my size don't you?" I asked crossed arms he looked up shy and blushing ' so cute' i thought " and another rule that you don't eat anything except at 7a.m and at 9:00p.m, but-" " WHAT THE HECK!" I screamed " but, I will give you food at the times you feel hungry!" He completes " ohh...." I said " well then...." he stood " h-how old are you?" I blurted out " oh I am 22!"(a/n sorry for changing the age) He said " oh, that's why you look really young!" I said " I am going to take that as a compliment..." he said then his watch began to beep " well the big boss needs me right now, got to go now and don't get in trouble!" He said " yes sir!" I said as I saluted he shook his head and went to his boss I guess....

Chip's POV
I started to head to the big boss 'maybe yeri isn't bad as my boss told me she is nice and pretty to be honest' I thought then I knocked on the big bosses door 'come in' I heard a voice then I entered " good evening boss.." I said and bowed " so, how did it go with yeri?" He asked " umm well she is quite umm..." I got confused should I tell him the truth that she is nice or should I say she is stubborn " stubborn isn't she?" He asked and smiled " y-yeah she is...." I hesitated and knew it was not true but if I said it I would get killed " good job!" He said and he went back to the computer and I knew that was a sign that I had to go.
" Chanyeol....." ( a/n sorry if I gave him an stupid nickname) he called " hmm?" I said in response " don't change the rules..." he said I froze " y-yes sure!" I said and went back to yeri and I entered she was just laying on the ground staring at the ceiling " hey hey!" I said " she noticed me and sat up " hey, so how the talk with big boss?" She asked " it's boring as always..." I said and sat in front of her she chuckled " you remind me of my brother and sister, My brother would always whisper to me that my sister speaks boringly and he would want to sleep.." she said and we both chuckled and she looked down as she remembered her brother and sister I felt bad for her I lifted her face by her chin " don't get sad yeri, look I went to the same thing you went thro too" I told her " how?" She asked " well, I didn't want to become like this a bad guy I was forced and threatened.." I said " h-how come?" She asked " well I don't know there is like one time I was just walking down the street then out of nowhere there is this guy which is now the big boss, he threatened me that he would do something bad to my family but I just ignored him, after a week or two I had a news that my one of my family members had a really bad car crash and was injured badly, so I was walking back down he street again and the same guy appears and said didn't I tell you that I will harm your family he said I got mad but I agreed so now I am here..." he said " well sheesh, that must be rough..." I said " yeah, but that's the past I got over it!" He said " well look I gave you my nickname and I have to give you a nickname!" I said
Yeri's POV
" you gotta be kidding me?" I said " no, I don't...." he said " okay!" I said " well your nickname is going to be......riri!" I exclaimed " riri, really?" I said he nodded " okay well that's fair..." I said "okay now it's time for bed you have to go to bed...." he said " wae....." I whined " come on!" He said " arasso..." I said and went to the bed there was a bed don't worry " good night, chip" I said and went to bed " night..." he said and left the room.
"Maybe this won't be so bad after all...."

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