chapter 32

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My eyes slowely flutter open as they met with a boy with long hairs, with a mulley, two little freckles on his eyelid and multiple piercings in his ears. 'Oh, you're awake. Thankfully, I won't have to carry you out of the train.' He smiles nicely at me. 'Who are you? and what are we doing on this train?' I scan the area around me. 'Oh you're on the train back to Seoul, one of my friends found you and wanted me to bring you home. Also, My name is Im Jaebum.' He sticks his hand out for me to shake it. 'I'm Chan, who's this friend you're talking about? Is he by any chance called Lee Minho?' Jaebum frowns. 'His name is Lee Know.' I frown, who calls his child Lee Know? That's not a name.' Jaebum looks at me. 'I know what you're thinking, but it's really his name.' I shook my shoulders and the train stops. 'I guess we're here.' He says and stands up. 

I need to know more about this Lee Know guy and this Im Jaebum guy. Something is fishy.

I leave the train and see Woojin standing there. 'Chan!' He smiles brightly and then walks towards me, what is Woojin doing here? 'Woojin?' I say and look at him questioning. This Jaebum guy walking next to me. 'You send me a message, you wanted to pick me up.' Woojin says as he stands in front of me. 'I can't remember' I doze off thinking about how. 'Maybe, because my friend found you drunk. You already texted Woojin.' That's not really something I would do, not even drunk me. 'Also, It must be rude not to apologize. My name is Im Jaebum. I am a friend of the person who found Chan.' Woojin and Jaebum greet each other. 'Why didn't that Lee Know guy bring me here?' I ask Jaebum. 'He has to work.' Jaebum just simply says and shrugs his shoulders. 'Anyways, I gotta go back. They must be worried about me if I won't be able to manage to catch the train back!' He says and walks away. I see Woojin quickly following him. 'Wait, Jaebum. What can I do to repay you?' Woojin says. 'Take care of your friend. He seemed pretty depressed when he was drunk. We got worried about him. So, please just care for him.' Jaebum smiles at Woojin then at me. After that, he steps inside the train.

Woojin walks back to me and sighs. 'Chan, you're so dangerous. You should be glad they're good people. Although, I think they may be a bit too good.' Woojin says thinking. 'I found their story odd. This Lee Know guy... Something about him for some reason makes me think of Minho.' I tell Woojin. 'Who knows. We could go back and maybe meet up with the others? Chan, we're all distancing from each other. Please come back, together we will find Minho!' Woojin pleads. 'Okay,' I whisper feeling guilty. 'By any chance, do you remember our texting yesterday?' I frown. 'I never texted you!' I say confused, 'I already thought it wasn't you. I told you things you already know. 'Would that be that Lee Know guy?' Woojin suggests as I grab my phone. 'Whoever it is, sure knows my password.' I say and read through the texts. 'Could it be Minho?' Woojin says with wide eyes. 'it could be!' Chan says. We quickly rush to Woojin's car and then drive to his apartment.

All the boys excluding Minho, sit in the living room.

'Chan, Woojin! Tell us what is so important.' Felix says. 'Yeah!' Changbin adds. 'We might have leads on Minho!' Woojin exclaims and Jisung's face lit up. 'Really! Where is he?' Jisung nearly shouts. 'We can't say a lot, but we're suspecting he's in Daegu!' Woojin says calmly. 'Oh! When are we picking hyung up!' Jeongin's mouth is open waiting patiently of his boyfriend to reply. 'We can't handle things to quickly Innie, what if Minho would run away again? We have to put ourselves in his shoes as well. We need to find the person who's threatening Minho first.' Woojin exclaims. I look at each one of the boys carefully and this guilty look in Jisung's eyes give away a lot. 

'Guys, I have to tell you something.' Jisung then says.

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