chapter 9

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'So what do you think Minho?'

I was surprised, to say the least. My heart was beating so fast. 'I said I don't want meaningless stuff, Chan.' He said with a small voice. 'Minho, this is for you to figure out your sexuality.' he smiled. Damn is it me or is it hot here? 'O-okay,' I said and my cheeks heat up. 'not here though.' I went back to my more confident attitude. 'I am done for today, you know maybe we could just grab dinner and hang out?' Chan suggested and shrugged his shoulders. 'sounds okay.' I slightly smiled and looked at him.

Chan is now driving to his place and I am just next to him in silence. I am fidgeting with my sweater paws. 'Are you nervous?' Chan spoke op. 'M-maybe,' I look at him. 'Don't be.' he smiled at me and rubbed my hand. 'you must have done this before for other people...' I said quietly but Chan heard me 'I've never. Really! Most of my clients are so desperate for attention or pleasure. It's disgusting actually and I would never even want to be near messing with those people. When people are desperate they do crazy stuff. But You're my friend I know you better. You also don't seem to be desperate. You're just confused.'

I relaxed. Something about the way he speaks makes me feel a little lighter. A little less judged, just comfortable...

I entered his house and the atmosphere was tense. I don't like this silence... Also, what do I do? Just sit on the couch? It feels like I've met him for the first time and we're strangers to each other which we definitely aren't. I just sat down on the couch and Chan sat down next to me 'Let's continue watching friends!' Chan said suddenly and turned on the tv. Chan is sitting very close to me so I put my hands on my thighs. My eyes fixated on the tv screen.

We were watching tv for a while when I felt Chan put an arm around me and rub my shoulder. 'Chill a bit and take deep breaths. Remember what I told you we're friends, we're not strangers.' He whispered in my ear.

Then suddenly he kissed the skin that was right next to my ear. My heart is pounding in my chest. I looked at Chan melting into his gaze. It was lustful but caring. 'Chan,' I swallowed. He slowely came closer to my face and I felt his breath on my lips. 'Is this okay?' he asked me whispering. I slowely nodded.

Then Chan reduced between our lips. His were soft and gentle, it took me a while to reply and slowely our lips were moving against each other. Where did Chan even learn to kiss this good? Eunha's kisses were never as good as this. A moan escaped my mouth as Chan decided to take that Chance and slip his tongue inside my mouth. Oh god, I never thought Chan would go that far. Weren't we supposed to just kiss? My body slowely started to listen to my feelings instead of brain so I then just sat on his lap my legs on both sides as we broke the kiss and looked at each other.

Chan's lips are puffy and red. Mine obviously puffy too and my cheeks tinted. Our chests heavily moved up and down. Chan put his hands on my waist. My body told me I like the "support" it gives.

'Are you enjoying it?' his voice was low and huskily. I nodded shyly and looked away. I felt chan move to my ear 'Good because I do too.' I looked at Chan then I just started kissing him lustfully. Who cares about the consequences? Right here and right now... I want Chan.

Chan moaned as I went with my hand through his hair and the other one went to untie is a tie. I took the chance when Chan moaned to bite his lip and then slip my tongue inside his mouth once again. Once having his tie lose enough I started to unbutton his blouse.

My kisses moved to his neck. Damn it I want to mark him but what if he doesn't like it? Eventually I found his sweet spot and Chan let out a loud moan. I felt myself getting more and more turned on and I felt that Chan did too.

'Damn it,' I whispered. 'Stop swearing Min it makes me even more turned on.' I chuckled lowly against his collarbone.

'CHAN I BROUGHT CHICKEN.' We heard someone yell through the door. 'shit Chan said and pushed me off him. He quickly buttoned up his blouse as we saw who entered.

'Oh My God.' the oldest looked at us; First at Chan then at me and then Chan again.

'W-Woojin we can explain.' Chan stuttered. 'My ship is Sailing.⛵️⛵️' He giggled like a little girl. 'huh,' was the only thing that came out of my mouth. 'Better fix yourselves boys. The others are coming over too.' Woojin told us seriously. My eyes widened a bit at his sudden change but quickly shrugged it of and rushed to the bathroom.

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