Chapter 14

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I rushed to the toilets but I notice the door is locked. I go through my hair in frustration. I knock on the door hoping that the door would open and indeed the door opened, revealing Jisung. I look at him with hopefull eyes. 'Chan' he sighs, 'I fucked up badly didn't I?' he nods 'Who even was she?' I know Jisung is annoyed with me as well and I understand that. 'It's a long story. I know her for a very long time. We don't have a thing though. But she and I have a history and she's litterally insane. I will explane later. But Jisung please believe me, I would never want to hurt Minho.' I sighed and frowned. Jisung looked at me sceptically. 'Listen, Chan. I know Minho for a long long time. I don't know you for more than a week or two. I honestly barely know you and what you do or who you are. So, please. Just leave for now.' He says and then sighes. I nodded and turned around. I see the other boys walking over to me. 'Chan, have you spoken to Minho?' Felix asks. I shake my head and look down. 'I hurt him...' Why do I feel so extremely guilty? He should be staying away from me. So that I won't start to like him and he won't like me. 'I will go to Minho and Jisung. I could tell them, if you want?' Hyunjin suggested. 'No, let him be. I'm just gonna go home. He won't believe it anyways.' I then walk away. Ignoring the rest and just leaving without saying goodbye.

I arrived back at my apartment. Luckily they took their stuff with them so that they'd leave after breakfast. I won't have to face Minho. Damn it, Mina. Why does this hurt so much? Last night, I felt so happy, I felt so warm inside. It's now replaced with a cold and bitter feeling.

I grabbed a pack of cornflakes and start eating it, without milk. Fuck, I don't even want to grab it. I just need to eat and then I can just go to work and do a lot of paper work. Maybe if I drown myself in work my mind will stop thinking about Minho. Since when did I become so attacked to that brown haired boy with cute nose and soft pink lips?

I entered my office. Paperwork is already piling on my desk. This is seriously the biggest disadvantage of my job. I love helping people but why all the paper work? Why can't I just hire someone to do this for me... I sighed and sat down. 'I might as wel start now.' I take a deep breath and pick up the blue pen.

A little later I hear a knock on the door. 'Come in.' I say with my eyes still focussed. 'H-hyung.' I recognize the voice. I look up and see the boy with squishy cheeks and red-ish collored hair. 'Hi, Jisung.' I sign him he should sit down. 'Listen, Chan. I am here to talk.' Jisung says, stuttering a bit again. 'Well, talk.' I say and put my pen back in it's case.

'I want to talk about why I acted the way I did.' Jisung says a bit more comfortable and less nervous. 'Jisung, the way you acted was fine. I didn't feel offended.' I smiled at him. 'Let me speak hyung.' I was a bit surprised by the tone Jisung spoke with. He sounded rude but with formalities? 'Well, what I was saying is that. Obviously, you know about Eunha. But I don't think you know how bad it actually was and how crappy Eunha was. I am, since then even more protective over Minho, he's like my older brother. He's really hurt over what happened today and I am not supposed to interfer between you and Minho, but Minho really likes you.' My heart starts beating faster. I already had the feeling but hearing it from someone is different... 'Chan hyung, can you be honest with me?' The boy looks at me with honest eyes and I can see he is emotional. 'Do you like Minho back?' I look away with a blush on my face. 'So is that a yes?' Jisung asks and I slowely nod. Then Jisung starts smiling a bit. 'But Jisung.' I sigh 'I can't date Minho.' His eyes widen 'Why?' He now sounds a bit annoyed. 'I don't date clients.' I said quietly.

'Really, Chan? Is that how you look at him? You like him! Do you kiss all the clients you like? Just like that girl today! I thought you were nice! So to you Minho is only "a client"? Not even a friend? I swear to god, Chan stay the hell away from him. I am telling you! You are awfull!' Jisung stood up and left with slamming the door angrily.

I guess I am an awfull person.

I feel like this chapter is shit.

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